Jay's back turned into a trampoline?

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Amaira's PoV:

"Be my wife just for a day."

"Ehhhh???" My eyes went as wide as a saucer and my jaw, drop down to the floor. I could feel my heart beating wildly inside my ribs. What exactly did he mean by that? And what kind of a wife's job is he expecting me to do?

Jay fiddled with the cufflink in his shirt and threw me a perplexed look. I am the person who is supposed to be confused here. But why is he mirroring my reaction? He struggled to form words for explaining the situation.

"Is there any reason behind it?" I asked him, in hopes of an explanation.

"Yeah. Of course. Why would I ask you without any reason?" He poured out the words spontaneously, in a clarifying tone.

"Will you mind saying it then?" I asked him.

"Look! The thing is, our company is conducting an event next week. A live game competition it is. Gamers will come together and play with each other. The winner will receive grand prizes." He said.

"Oh congratulations." I said making a tight lipped smile.

Why is he saying all this to me? Is he trying to divert the topic? Or will he conclude by saying that he lost his mind as he had so much work to do?

" So?" I asked grinning.

"Yeah so..." He dragged.

"Hmm. So...." I nodded my head expectantly.

"This event is not only for the battle gamers. Our couple game called 'Perfect Couple' will also be one of the contests."

"Ohh! So??"

Cut the crap and tell me what it is man!

"We have to be the demo for them. You know...Uhm!.. My face is one of our company's trademarks. So far I have been the person who appears in all our game's advertisements. You might have seen me before, I suppose. The man who comes at the end and says 'Download and experience the virtual adventure' in our company game's advertisements? Do you remember?"

"Yes." I lied. I didn't even know that he owned a gaming company until I met him first. After that too, I've never seen any advertisements for the games he designed. Heck! Only now I came to know that there are even advertisements for video games. Moreover, I don't even know the names of all the games he designed so far. I remember only a very few.

"It will tarnish my image if I shoot that advertisement with a model while having a wife at home. It wouldn't be realistic and so nobody will be interested." He continued.

"Okay so?" This is going on forever without any conclusions.

"Wait! Why are you rushing me? I'm telling you, right? So why don't you stay patient and listen?" He yelled.

Man! Are you on your periods? Your mood swings are getting annoying.

"Okay speak." I told him.

"We both have to act like a couple who is deeply in love, for the advertisement of the next week's event. We must play that game and instil in the hearts of couples, the desire to come to the event and play it with their partner. Do you understand what I mean?"

I took a whole two minutes to process all that he said. So he wants me to play the role of his wife in an ad with him. Not a wife literally, but a wife in an advertisement?

My face fell on realising the meaning.

Wait! Why am I disappointed? What am I even doing? Did I move on from my past love? I'm not talking to Arav but do I no longer love him? Just two months of not speaking to each other made me get over him? Was my love that insincere?

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