The team dinner

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Jay's POV:

A set of questions were displayed on the screen once I touched the 'Next' button.

1. What is your partner's wake up time?

Amaira would always be awake by the time I wake up. Even though she goes to work later than me, she gets up earlier than me. The first question itself gave me a hint of how it was going to end. I took a wild guess and answered the question.

I typed seven thirty in my column and five in hers. I swiped down to read the next question.

2. What is your partner's favourite food?

I placed my phone on my lap and raked my fingers through my hair. Realising it might have made my hair messy, I let out a deep sigh. I'm helpless. I knew nothing about her. I closed my eyes and tried finding some clue which might get me the answer.

Images of Amaira having noodles with Arav when I saw her for the first time flashed through my mind. Her face looked the happiest at that time. If you eat something with the person you love then it will automatically become your favourite.

I hastily wrote Biryani in my column and Noodles in hers. On seeing the next question a smile spread across my face. It was a question for which I knew the answer. But the next second I was upset with myself for being happy to know it.

3. How many past relationships did your partner have before you?

Believing Arav was the first love of Amaira, I typed zero in the first column and one in her column.

I lost the mood to play further. The rest of the questions were randomly asked about preferences, likes, and dislikes. I just typed the exact opposite things to whatever I wrote in my column, for her. I had a feeling she would be having a contrasting personality from mine.

I saw the last question and my face was flushed with embarrassment. I never knew such vulgar questions were a part of our game. Vihaan designed the game and I cursed him in my mind for being dirty minded. However, the app was designed to evaluate how well we know about our partners. It takes into consideration all the aspects of a relationship and so questions like this could also be a part of it. I should have expected it at the least.

I peeked at Amaira and I noticed she was done with the game already. I leaned close to her and asked whether she answered the last question.

"Yeah yeah. That was easy. You better answer the same as me. I'm no joke when it comes to that. I'm quite ambitious too." Amaira answered proudly.

To say I was shocked will not justify what I truly felt at that time. What exactly is she trying to say? Is she well experienced in it? She seemed so proud of it.

I left the question unanswered and clicked on 'Submit'. The page buffered while loading our result. It stopped circling and a screen loaded from top to bottom.

'You got 10%☹️. Mend your relationship or find a new partner.' The words were displayed on the newly loaded screen. I wasn't surprised as I could foresee it coming.

I swiped down hurriedly to see whatever questions we got correct. There were only five correct answers out of the fifty. This is the first time in my entire life that I'm getting an 'F' on a test.

The favourite food question was one among the five and it made me sad that I was correct. She had written that I had one past relationship and I decided to talk about it to her later. I eagerly swiped down to see what she had written for the last question.

'The first position.' It said. I read it again and again, trying to comprehend what she meant. Is there such a position called the first position? How come I never heard about it? Am I still ignorant or is she well educated in it?

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