Crackhead spotted at the crossroad?

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Jay's POV:

'Rare even repeats: This year's second Blue Moon to occur on coming Thursday.' The news article read.

I stared at my phone without reading further. The news didn't surprise me nor made me worry about it. I reached beyond a point of concern about my life. Nothing bothered me anymore. I wouldn't even care to move if a car speeded in my direction. I'll happily get hit by it and live my life at a hospital for a few months until all this drama gets over. Let me know if Amaira is mine after I wake up from the coma.

I put my phone back into my pocket and continued to roam around. I took a left turn and started walking on the road instead of the pavement. I started crossing the road without looking at the sides. At that moment I dared to do anything. The idea I had earlier seemed a very good one to me, that I wanted to do it no matter what.

I heard a horn sound at a distance which gradually became louder. I turned my head towards the direction of the sound to see a white SUV coming in my direction at a rapid speed. It was the exact scene I saw in my mind a few minutes ago. Finally, something I wanted was happening for real.

The distance between the car and me was just twenty feet away. The car driver seemed hell-bent over running the car on me that he didn't bother to change the lane. I stood there watching the car coming closer and more closer.

The car was just fifteen feet away.


Ten feet away.


Eight feet away.


Five feet away.

I didn't blink anymore. I turned to my side, pulled my pant upwards, and started running for my life towards the opposite direction of the road. Never before, I had sprinted so fast in my life. I heard an old man curse colourfully at me when I ran like a mad man in the middle of a road. There was a little commotion due to sudden breaks and yelling sounds I caused.

I didn't stop running as soon as I reached the other side of the road. I continued to run further away directionless, not wanting to register my face by standing there. If at all anyone captures it on their phone, I'm doomed.

'Crackhead spotted at the crossroad junction' would be a good title for tomorrow's news. But it wouldn't be a good news for me to read. The scene which appeared to be harmless in my mind scared the shit out of me when it came to reality. My heart was racing wildly and my vision was shaky.

I wanted to fall into a coma but I wasn't ready for breaking my bones. I decided to go back home and research on how to fall into a coma without hurting much. At that point, a heartbreak seemed less hurting than a bone break. So it is better to live my life and know what happens in it patiently, than skipping it.

It was getting late in the evening and the clouds turned darker. I had to go home and face her no matter what. I was afraid of the confrontation as I had no explanation for kissing her, that would be satisfiable from her point of view.

Should I buy something she loves to cool her down? Or should I sleep outside until she forgets what happened today? Should I give an explanation or ignore her?

These thoughts increased my anxiety and I started sweating badly when I reached near to our home. My feet worked in slow motion by moving at a 0.25x speed. I took five minutes to cross the distance that can be covered in a minute during normal times.

Once I reached the door to our home, I stood there contemplating whether pressing the doorbell would be a good idea or not. I chose not to do it since it will lead to a cold confrontation right at the doorstep. I thought it would be better to go to my room and pretend to be asleep before she noticed my presence.

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