Revealing the truth

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Jay's POV:

With half-closed eyes, I lazily dragged my feet towards the bathroom to brush my teeth. The sun was another lazy fellow like me, who was absent from work today. It felt like the sun was shy, seeing his crush walk past him and hid behind the grey clouds. The sun's friend, the grey cloud put everyone else to sleep so that nobody else ogled his friend's crush. Being a victim of their love, I still feel drowsy with sleep even after the clock struck ten 'o'clock in the morning.

I washed my face, brushed my teeth, and came out in a track and a tee. I peeped out of the window to see the romantic scene to be not yet over. I had no energy and I was tempted to go back to my bed. It was Sunday so it wouldn't be a problem if I slept. But I had a lot of things to do which kept me away from having a leisure time. It was already late for breakfast and it would be too late after I finish my workout.

I took my dumbbells and sat on a cushion on the balcony. I flexed my arms lethargically, having not even one percent of interest to be active. I saw Amaira walking towards the balcony, carrying a bucket of wet clothes. I sat straight reflexively on taking notice of her arrival. I kept down my dumbbells and took out my yoga mat. I put it down and started taking push ups.

"Good morning." Amaira chirped and began hanging the wet clothes.

"Goood morninggg!" I cried out loud, to have her attention back on me. Noticing that I got her attention I started doing push ups single-handedly.

After repeating it a few times I stole a glance upwards to check if she was still looking at me. She had her back towards me and showed her full dedication on hanging the clothes. I dropped my body down to the floor exhausted and disappointed.

I felt something wet my feet and I tucked my head behind to see what it was. Daisy was licking my leg and spinning around. Apparently, I was disturbing her play by stepping into her area and she wanted me gone.

An idea flashed across my mind. I sat up and extended my arms to Daisy.

"Daisy." I called and looked at Amaira. She instantaneously turned her attention towards me. This was my chance to score.

"Daisy, come to me." I rubbed my palms and signalled her to come. Daisy, who was facing me until then, turned her back when I called. It was as if she told me to fuck off.

I grinned looking at Amaira and got up to go get Daisy myself. I looked around and found her dog meal. I poured some into her bowl and extended it in front of her. She sniffed the bowl and went back to continue her play.

"She ate already Jay," Amaira spoke chuckling.

"Oh. Then Daddy will play with you." I told Daisy. I realised that I went overboard, a little bit. I looked at Amaira to see her reaction but it seemed like she didn't hear it.

I lifted Daisy and placed her on my lap. She wiggled and tried jumping off my hold at once. I held her a little more firmly to keep her in place. She was just like Amaira, all tough and hard to connect with.

Daisy started barking loud and pulled my shirt with her teeth. Knowing the next thing she would do is biting me, I let her go. She took her toy and ran into the house after barking once at my face.

Looks like today is only for the sun to have fun. I heard my phone ring and I rushed inside to stop me from embarrassing myself further. The call was from Vikram uncle, Amaira's father.

He hardly called me and every time he did, it was only to convey something important. I picked up the call after setting my tone to a calm and composed one.

"Hello uncle. How are you?" I asked him.

"I'm fine Jay. How are you and Amaira doing?"

"We are doing good uncle. Do you want to speak with her?"

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