Give me the damn divorce!

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Jay's POV:

It was slightly drizzling. The lights and stars on the streets indicated Christmas was nearing. Arav stood under a tree speaking with a girl. In the next scene, he pulled her into a hug. The side profile of the girl was visible when she placed her head over his chest when she hugged him. The scene fast forwarded and I saw myself standing along with them.

"Give me that damn divorce." Amaira yelled.

My head stopped hurting and I composed myself. My hands were still clutching the table for balance. I sat there in silence and tried to process what I saw. The glimpse was short but I was clearly able to decipher it. It neatly defined my scope in Amaira's life within few seconds.

I replayed the scenes in my mind to interpret them again. Every time, the incident I see on blue moon days would occur after a couple of months. But this one appeared to be fast approaching as Christmas was in less than a week. The location too, seemed to be familiar and I'm sure it is somewhere in my locality.

In the middle of my head ache, I could feel my heart ache, when I saw Amaira hugging Arav. I was still in a fix thinking about how I got into this situation. It was something too unreal to happen in a person's life. There were plenty of moments when I saw hopes of getting together with Amaira. I can't believe, even a little bit, that we would not get together. But at the same time, I wouldn't have believed either if I had seen us getting together.

'Screw you, who wrote the screenplay of my life!! You will never get to live a happy life either. Why did you give me hopes if you had no plans of giving me Amaira? You ultra legend pro max Sadist!!'

I inched forward, towards the mirror on the left corner of my room.

"Mirror, mirror, on the wall
Who is the foolest of them all?" I asked standing in front of it. The mirror showed my face on its surface as the answer. I was today years old when I realised my mirror was a magic mirror, after seeing it show the correct answer.

I wished everyone was as frank and upright as my mirror. Knowing the truth is better than believing a lie to be the truth for so long. I would be happy to accept I'm a fool rather than making my mirror lie in front of me and mock behind my back later. That way I'll have a chance to develop myself.

Blaming others for what is happening in my life is actually making me feel less pathetic. But I know deep down that I'm the one to blame for all this shit. I'm a grown up man so I should have kept my emotions in control or I shouldn't have let things get out of control. After doing none of these, I have no right to be blaming others.

I switched on my computer to play games. Getting too emerged in the gaming world will help me forget the real world, at least for a while. I played the game which we released last month. The game where the player goes to seek revenge for his lover's death.

After playing for a minute, I got too immersed in the character that I started imagining the player's life as mine. It was more or less similar, to be honest. There his lover was killed by a demon and here my lover is taken by a demon called Arav.

The background music which I demanded to be sad totally did its job now. The screen of the computer turned blurry as tears clouded in my eyes. I lost the game as I was not able to see properly. I closed my eyes and let the tears flush down my cheeks.

"Are you really crying because you lost the game? Don't tell me yes. That's crazy." I heard Amaira's voice and opened my eyes. I quickly wiped my cheeks and found her standing beside my chair.

I lost the game, I lost my love, I lost my life. What does a loser gain in the last? Just a few drops of tears. And I lost it too by pouring it out.

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