Wooing a brick

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Amaira's POV:


The door went flying and hugged its frame. I threw my cellphone on the bed and went to wash my face. I slapped the cold water on my face repeatedly to relieve the stress that had built up inside me. I let out a low growl after recalling the things that happened today. How messed up can my life get?

I'm astonished by the screenplay of my life. Why in the hell will that guy reappear in my life after such a long time? Did he watch a lot of movies and thought it would be cool to dramatically enter into other's life all of a sudden? That is not how it works in the real life. Moreover, why wouldn't he let me go even after I ask him to do so?

I wanted to end things smoothly with him and continue with my life peacefully. But he is not cooperating with me and making it too difficult. The next time I speak to him, I'll say it strictly to not meet or contact me again. I don't want him to be in my life anymore. He isn't a good memory for me so it is better that wrap it up soon smoothly.

Now coming to this brat at home, how dare he? Haan? Was the food good? He is least bothered about his wife meeting her ex and more concerned about the taste of the food I had? Leave the food. Did he even forget that I had a meeting with my ex? How can someone be so heartless?

He acts as if he is interested in me. And I don't think I misunderstood his actions. I've seen the way he looks at me. It isn't something like seeing a person with whom we don't have any sort of emotional attachments. At the same time, he is not like that every single time. Each time after making me believe that he has developed some feelings for me, he destroys my beliefs on the very next day itself by doing something contrary to it.

I don't plan to ask him about it straight away, as the aftermath of rejection will be something I can't bear with. It is better to separate from each other in the way we are as of now. But there is no way I'm going to give up just like that without trying.

'I'm taking this as a challenge, Jay. I'll impress you as much as I can and make you confess within a week. Or else I'll just live my whole life single.' I resolved to myself and dabbed my wet face with a towel. I came out of the bathroom and rushed right towards the bed. I jumped into it and covered myself with a blanket.

I took out my phone to scroll through it once, before going to sleep. After replying to the messages, I opened Instagram to watch reels. One after the other, everything that played on my phone were couple videos. A guy proposed to a girl in the middle of a stadium in one video and in another one, two of them were flirting with each other looking all lovey dovey.

'Aish! Shit!' I threw the phone aside. People out there keep posting cheesy and fake crap on social media and influence teenagers that relationships are all cute and beautiful. My teenage self would have swooned on seeing these videos. But now that I came to know how complicated and unreal that shit is, it annoys the hell out of me.

I threw the blanket over my head and went to sleep to keep out the thoughts of Jay and Arav from entering my brain. Hope the blanket plays a good role in shielding my brain from thinking about them.

The next day I woke up earlier to prepare Biryani for Jay. Since it was a national holiday, we both would be at home today. I wanted him to wake up to the smell If Biryani so that he is in a good mood for the whole day. After all, I had a mission to accomplish in a week.

I poured a little extra ghee in order to increase the aroma of the Biryani. The masala was boiling and its smell revolved heavily around the house. But that noseless guy was still not up. I reduced the flame of the stove and ran towards his room. I opened the door of his room and switched off the fan.

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