Trust issues

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I stared in shock. The gun was almost touching my head, and I had no idea what to do. Everything was spinning around after all the emotions I lived. My ex-boyfriend I thought I accidentally killed where alive and almost killed me, my brother, who had tortured me, saved me and died because of my absence of courage. All I could think of was Ash, as he was the last thing I had. 

"What is going on in the pretty head of yours ?" Travis asked, almost amused of my display of disbelief. 

"Tra-Travis, what are you doing?" Was all I could murmur, the sadness suddenly filling my body as the adrenaline started to fade away. 

"What I am doing ? Ahah I'm stopping you from destroying our organisation!" He exclaimed, pure joy filling his eyes. "You didn't think everyone would buy your little acting did you ?" He ironically asked back. 

"Travis, you have no idea what's happening, they need our help !" I suddenly exclaimed, coming back to my senses when I realised I couldn't allow myself to think about my feelings. 

"Well I didn't receive any call from them, which is a proof you're lying" He calmly answered, as he seemed absolutely sure of him. 

"It's not what you think I swear ! I can understand how difficult it is to believe me, but we don't have time for this" I responded, starting to feel frustrated from the situation. 

"I do have time you know, I am the backup plan, and I received the order to watch out for any survivor and kill them if they die. You seem to be a survivor, aren't you ?" He said with mischief. 

I had to go back and save Ash, I knew I had to, so I decided to take risks. 

"Fine! You want to kill me? Then go on! But think about the consequences. What do you think Ash is going to do when he'll know that you killed me? And if he dies, what's in it for you? You won't have any organisation to be part of, and the Coleman mafia will track you down until you're dead. The only survival plan you truly have is to keep me alive and listen to me" I finally affirmed, starting to feeling confident in the conversation. 

I saw him hesitating, and for a fraction of second, he lost his concentration. I suddenly had a moment of clarity and remembered how to disarm someone, thanks to the fifth wave. The fifht wave guys! I had nothing to loose, so I jumped on the occasion and quickly pushed his arm one way and the gun the other way. And it worked ! I couldn't believe it but I quickly focused back as I pointed the gun toward Travis. 

"Now you're going to listen to me" I affirmed. 

"You little bitch!" He exclaimed, but stayed still. 

"We need to go back there and help them. What is the address for the Coleman headquarters ?" I asked. 

I knew I was going to use the car I drove again, even if he seemed too damaged to be used.

I was planning on having him drive for me, but seeing he wouldn't move, I shot his right foot right away. 

"Aaaaaah !" He screamed, collapsing on the floor. 

"I don't have time for you anymore, so you going to tell me what is the fucking address !" I screamed. 

He finally told me the address, but I couldn't believe his words. 

"Ok you're coming with me. If The address isn't the right one, you'll die. But first, empty your pockets" I ordered, staying far enough behind him.

He reluctantly emptied his pocket, dropped two other guns on the floor. He knew I was accurate at shooting, and after a few moments, decided not to take risks. I asked him to removed his suit, to be sure nothing was hidden under. 

"Good, now in the trunk" I said.  

He slowly started to walk to the car. 

"You're going to regret this, I swear!" He screamed with fury, probably humiliated by the situation. 

"I don't give a shit, in the trunk before I shoot you again" I responded. 

He slowly went in the trunk and I closed it right behind him. 

"If you ever try something, I'll make sure you die" I threatened him once inside the car. 

It took me a couple of minutes to understand how the GPS worked, and I put on the address. The adrenaline was back on track, without second thoughts, I started driving back from where I went. 

I followed the path and recognised the road. All my senses were perfectly alert, fearing Travis would try something. I finally reached the point where I had go in the forest. The headquarters weren't very far, so I looked at the GPS, memorised the position, and got out. 

I sarted to run, hearing Travis scream in the trunk. But I decided to let him inside, as he would have been more trouble if he were free. I ran between the trees and soon reached the exit I had used thanks to my brother a few hours ago. I could feel the tears inside of me, but kept them inside. It was still open, which clearly was suspicious. What was even more suspicious was the silence from inside. I was beyond terrified, but decided to enter anyway. I walked closed to the wall, and soon arrived in the garage. The silence was heavy, and I realised I was holding my breath. I walked down some corridors, carefully avoiding the bodies on the floor. 

After what seemed like an eternity, I heard a scream from a room close by. My entire body tensed, as I knew everything was at stake. I carefully walked toward the voice, and soon recognised the voice of my mother. 

"WHO ARE THE TRAITORS THAT HELPED YOU !!!" she yelled, almost covering the sound of the punch someone delivered. 

"I won't... tell you..." a weak voice responded. 

ASH! I was absolutely sure the voice belonged to Ash. A huge feeling of relief washed over me, but I soon realised he was in big trouble. Fortunately, no one was guarding the room, which stunned me at first. 

But out of nowhere, one the the Coleman mafioso arrived in the corner and came face to face with me.

Guys, I can't tell you how sorry I am for letting this story down :o

But I'll finish it ! I recovered my inspiration starting another book! 

Please, forgive me !

Big big big big hugs from otters!!

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