Are you worried ?

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I didn't wait long before receiving a text from Ash. When I looked at my phone a few hours later that day, it was already there, waiting to be read.

"Hey you"

I couldn't help but smile. I wondered how I went from being totally depressed to being a little excited about what was to come, in two days. I fought an entire year against myself, and in two days, someone else made me feel better ! That was insane.
I felt like a teenager. I asked myself if I should put a smiley, or say 'Hi' instead of 'Hey'.

"Hey" I finally responded. 

"I'll pick you up a eight on Saturday. Is that ok for you ?"

I imagined the scene. That guy, a greek god, knocking at my door, carrying me bridal style through New York City. Reality crushed my dreams down when I remembered he was probably going to pick me up on his motorcycle.

"Don't worry, I'll go by foot" I replied.

"Don't be ridiculous. Let me take care of you ? Please ?"

A huge battle was taking place in my mind. One part of me was saying 'Are you fucking crazy or just dump ?! You incapable of riding a bicycle !' and the other one was cheering for me 'Yeah ! Go for it ! Adam, Adam, Adam !'.
Well, I wasn't either sane or serene.

"Fine" I texted back.

Apprehension grew inside of me during the rest of the week, bringing back my nightmares. Ok, they weren't gone, but it was a bit better.
We kept texting a lot, and that was probably why I could still stand up the next morning.
Saturday finally arrived. I prepared myself, and realised had no idea how to dress. So I went for a shirt, a jean, a jacket. Well, the basics. I fixed my hair with gel. I used to do it everyday, but had never done it again since the accident. I could feel Arthur's memories invading my eyes.
My thoughts stopped when the bell rang. I went to the intercom.

"Ash ?" I asked.

"No it's Santa Claus. Of course it's Ash, get your butt over here !" He replied playfully.

I smacked myself for being dump, took my jacket and got out.

"Well, well, well. Look at that" Ash immediatly exclaimed as soon as he saw me.

"What ?" I asked, wondering if I did something wrong.

"Nothing. You're just sexy with a shirt" he said with a glint of desire in his eyes.

"Suuuure. You're sexy, I'm not"

That was true. He had just a simple tee shirt, jean, and leather jacket, and he was just perfect.

"Well you're sexy to me. Let's go, shall we ?" He said like a gentleman, indicating his motorcycle next to him.

My blood turned cold. I knew it, but was still surprised. I approached the engine, and anxiety almost made my heart explode.

"Don't worry, you're safe with me" Ash gently said, putting his hands on my shoulders.

I took a big breath, put the helmet on my head, and tried to climb on the motorcycle. I pathetically failed, and soon felt two big hands my hips, helping me. Fortunately, with the helmet, Ash couldn't see how red I was.
He climbed as well, and started it. I trully believed my heart was going to break free from my chest, and the only thing I could do was closing my eyes, and holding Ash as close as I could. I tightly hugged his perfect abs as we started to move.
Flashes from the worst night of my life flowed in my mind, and I prayed for it to end quickly.
After what seemed like hours, we finally arrived.

"I know I'm doing a great job as a teddy bear, and I'm not complaining that you're hugging me, but if we want to get inside, you might need to let me go" Ash said teasingly.

I opened my eyes, and saw the club we were supposed to go to. I realised I was still bone crushing Ash with my hug, and moved away as quickly as I could.
Of course, I fell on the floor.

"Oh !"

"Shit Adam are you ok ?!" Ash exclaimed while helping me.

I was weak on my knees, and put all my weight on Ash, who steadied me easily.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry for the bone crushing hug. I kind of freaked out"

"I noticed. You almost too cute when you're afraid"

I felt my cheeks becoming bright red. I gave him back the helmet.

"God stop I'm so embarassed" I replied.

It should be illegal to be that hot, and still that cute.

"Guys finally !" Jess screamed while walking toward us.

"Hi Jess" I blandly said.

"Let's get inside !" She said, visibly excited.

We entered the club soon after, and I noticed Ash was carefully scanning the entire room, and every person near us.

"Everything's alright ?" I asked with concerned.

"Yeah don't worry. Those places make me a bit anxious"

"Who wants a drink !!!" Jess yelled.

We had a couple of drinks, and started to dance. After a few songs, a slow one filled the air. I looked at Ash, who was still scrutinizing everybody around, and walked toward him.

"Well, you seem more anxious than me, and that's no good for you" I teased.

"Sorry, it's just..."

"Don't worry, we all have our insecurities. Do you want to dance with me ?" I asked shyly.

His eyes suddenly lighted up, but went dark the moment after.

"I'm sorry I need to go to the bathroom" he suddenly said, like he was in a hurry.

He quickly went to the toilets, and I found myself going to our table, where Jess was having a break.

"He's weird tonight" she said.


"Hello beauty. Wanna dance with me ?"

I didn't recognise the voice, and turned around to see someone I didn't know. The man was staring at Jess.

"No" she coldly answered.

"Oh come on, I saw you dancing like a slut with your red hair going wild. You can't tease me like that" the guy replied.

He was attractive. Tall, muscular, but I couldn't really see the details in the darkness of the room.

"I said no" my friend shot back, her voice laced with annoyance.

"You bitch, you're going to come with me" he said while grabbing her arm.

"Leave her alone !" I found myself exclaiming.

Why ? Why did I think I could be a hero ?! For the first time in a year, I talked too much.
The guy turned around and looked at me, shooting daggers through his gaze.

"What did you just say ?" He asked, anger invading his voice, his eyes and his body.

Hello guys !
What do you think of this story so far ?
Don't worry, things will be more spicy in a few chapters :)
Thank you for reading !

Love from otters !

Living In The PastTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon