In the night

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I glurped. The guy, who was like twice my size and weight, moved toward me. I literally shitted in my pants when he grabbed me by the collar, and pushed me against the column behind me.
I was petrified. He stared at me, his eyes full of hatred, while rising his other arm, ready to punch me.
I was almost crying, and braced myself for the impact. But instead of being disfigured, I heard a scream of pain right in front of me.
When I opened my eyes again, Ash had intercepted the punch and easily twisted the jerk's arm, like it was nothing.

"If you try to hurt him ever again, I'll kill you" I heard Ash say to the creep.

His tone was more harsh than every harsh tones I had ever heard. I was surprised by his coldness and indifference and felt like it wasn't him anymore. I felt like he could really kill someone.
The jerk probably felt it as well, because he ran away like a scared rabbit the moment Ash let him go.

"Let's get out of here" Ash said, still cold.

We all quickly got out. I was caught by surprise when Ash turned around and took me in his huge muscular arms.

"Are you alright ?" He gently asked after a few moments.

Shit I was more than alright. His arms felt so good around me. I never felt this safe in my entire life. And his scent of cologne was mesmerizing.

"Ye-yeah" I shyly answered.

"Ok, let's call it a night" he affirmed.

"Adam, I never thought you were brave before, but you are brave. Thank you so much for whay you did" I heard Jess say.

She seemed so calm and honest, not the Jess I was used to.

"Well, to be honest, I didn't know myself" I replied.

After she left, Ash and I slowly walked to his motorcycle. He placed his hand on the small of my back. I flushed when I felt it. It was nice to have someone's attention. 

"Ok, I don't want you to be alone tonight. Would you like to go at my place ?" He hesitantly asked.

Thousands of ways how this idea could go wrong invaded my mind. He didn't know I had nightmares, and I didn't plan on telling him why I had those. He could rape me, or hold me prisoner.

"Hey Adam don't panick"

I immediatly felt strong hands on my shoulders, and came back to my senses.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. It's just that I wanted to be there for you after was you lived in that club" he explained.

"Well, thanks to you, nothing happened to me" I said with a weak smile, which Ash responded by one of his gorgeous smirk.

We stayed silent for a few moments. I thought about how he changed my life in a few days. I was feeling better, and that was incredible ! I realised my therapist was fucking useless. All the monney I spent on her was literally like thrown by the window.

"Ok, where is your place ?" I heard myself ask.

That was the second time I was surprised by myself like that. The first time nearly killed me. I was impatient to see what the second had in store for me.
He told me his address, and soon, I was on his motorcycle again, having heart attacks at every turn.
We finally arrived.

"Ok, the elevetor is not working and I'm living on the fourth floor, you're ready for it ?"

"Oh my god I don't know if I can handle it" I replied sarcastically.

Well, I barely handled it. My legs were still shaking from the motorcycle experience. I arrived in his small appartment. It was modest, but clean and organized. The entrance was leading right in the living room.

"So, I'll sleep on the couch, and you can take my bed. Don't worry, the sheets are clean" Ash offered.

"No way, I'm the one gatecrashing, so I'll sleep on the couch"

To prove my point, I lied down on the sofa, and got comfortable.
Ash disappeared in his room and came back with a tee shirt.

"This tee shirt is a bit too big for me, so I think you'll be comfortable in it" he said.

I always dreamed to dress with a tee shirt too big for me, coming from my boyfriend. That's just so cute. And it's even better if the said boyfriend tells you you're cute, with desire in his eyes.
I dressed with what he gave me, and came back from the bathroom.

"God you're so cute ! Can I hug you please ?" He exclaimed, flushing a bit.

Aaaaaaah ! So cute ! Ok we were not boyfriends, but still !
Instead of answering him, I came closer and hugged him. He took me again in his big muscular arms, wrapping me with his scent and attention.

"Good night Adam" he mumbled in my neck.

"Good night. Thank you again for saving me"

"No need to thank me. That's normal. I have to keep you safe so I can keep dating you" he playfully answered.

"Who said we were dating" I teased.

"A little bird told me" he answered teasingly as well.

I smiled and layed down on the couch. I took his tartan rugs and drifted to sleep easily. Easily guys ! That's a miracle !

"Are you forgetting me ?"

I suddenly woke up, completely panicked. That was Arthur. I recognised his voice. I realised a few minutes later that it was a dream, and that I was in a bed. Ash scent filled my nose, and helped me relaxe.
I was crying without any control, and decided to silently go in the kitchen, which was a part of the living room, to drink.
Ash was sleeping on the couch. I found cute the fact that he decided to switch with me in the middle of the night. He was so considerate.
While searching for a glass, I found something weird in a drawer. Something gleaming in a little plastic bag. I instinctively took it, and immediatly recognised a wedding band. What the hell was he doing with a wedding band ?!
Nothing was written on it, so I had no proof it was his. But it made me realise I didn't know anything about him and his past.
After drinking my glass of water, I slowly went back to the bedroom. I was too anxious about the ring to sleep again.
Here I was, in the night, wondering if the person I started to have feeling for was married.

Hi guys !

Sorry for the slow update ! I've been a bit busy, and lazy.
Hope you still enjoy the story !

Love from otters !

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