You ?

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She was standing there, in the middle of the room, her gorgeous face red from anger.
I glared at Ash, who was staring away.  I could cut the tension with a knife.

"Rebecca, not here" Ash's father ordered coldly.

"Not here ?! I waited a whole year to have an explanation, I'm not going to wait any longer ! And who are you ?!" She suddenly exclaimed, when her gaze fell on me.

I was unable to speak. I didn't know what to say, and all the persons in the room were way too much intimidating.

"Answer !" She screamed, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Back off Bec ! His name is Adam and he's with me !" Ash replied, his tone laced with fury.

"And ? That doesn't answer my question !"

"He is in danger, and I'm protecting him" he answered, almost whispering.

"How nice of you ! And how do you know he's not part of an other organisation ? Another mafia maybe ?"

My body reacted before I could stop it. I felt all my muscles tensing up. Nervousness filled my mind like you could fill a glass of ice tea.

"Rebecca, I told you not to make a scene !" Ryan said a bit louder.

He didn't have to scream. He was so imposing that everyone went silent.

"Let's get moving. This place is not safe enough" he added, seeing he had all the attention.

"You got to be kidding !" The woman screamed.

Ryan pulled out a gun, and pointed it at Rebecca.

"No one disobey me. You're no exception. So if you want to stay alive, it would be wise to shut up" he replied with a cold tone.

I glurped. I felt so out of place.
We all exited the house silently, and walked toward an helicopter.
'How didn't I hear that landing this morning ? And who is she ? A year ? Why had she waited a year ?' So much questions were invading my mind as I climbed in the vehicle. Ash sat next me and protectively put his right arm around me. I felt a bit better, but it didn't last long as I met Rebecca's eyes, which were shooting daggers at me.
I was so deep in my thoughts that I didn't realise we were landing.

"Adam ?"

"Mmmh" I mumbled, my head on his perfect torso.

"We just landed"

We got out and a huge mansion was standing in front of me, in the middle of the desert. It was at least twice the side of the house we stayed the night before.
I followed them to the entrance where two big men in black suits were watching the door.

"Boss" they both said at the same time.

We entered in what could be a castle. Men and women in suits, heavily armed, were moving everywhere.

"You'll be safe here" Ash softly said.

We all went to a room without windows, which seemed to be isolated from the rest of the mansion.

"Ok, I'll give you three some privacy" Ryan explained before going out.

Once the door closed, a awlward silence took possession of the atmosphere.

"Ok, now explain" Rebecca ordered.

"Bec, I told when I quit that it was over between us" Ash answered.

"Oh so you think it's enough ? We were married for two whole years, and all of a sudden, you leave me !" She shot back.

'Married ?! So the wedding band was his ?!' I realised.

"Stop being hypocrite ! It was a strategic move. We symbolized the union between two mafia organizations, because we needed each other against the Coleman family ! It wasn't a wedding"

"Speak for youself ! You don't how my feelings evolved. You don't know the effects you had on me when you were making love to me ! And now you come back a year later, and it turns out you're gay ?!"

'A year later ?' That was the second time she mentioned it. 'So he quit a year ago' my brain told me.
I didn't know why I was here, but the conversation enlightened a few things.

"I don't know if I'm gay and I don't care, I have feelings for a person, not a sex, and I never had feelings for you. You knew it !" Ash exclaimed.

"I thought things changed ! And even if you told me, that doesn't excuse the fact that you left without explaining anything"

"I know, but I just couldn't be part of the mafia anymore. I wanted to leave as fast as I could"

"And how did you meet him ?" she asked.

Surprisingly, she wasn't full of disdain when she looked at me. I was only capable of understanding their conversation though. I couldn't talk, or move on my own.

"In a coffee shop" Ash answered.

"And how can you be so sure he's not infiltrating our organisation ?"

"I just know it" he almost mumbled.

"God you don't even have proofs ?! The car accident must have damaged your brain !" She yelled, looking panicked.

'A car accident ?! A car accident ?' My heart accelerated, and anxiety took control of my voice.

"A car accident ? Where ? When ?" I asked out loud.

I mentally slapped myself for being too curious. They both stared at me. I felt uncomfortable. Very very uncomfortable.

"You didn't know ?" Rebecca asked, looking truly surprised.

"Bec shut up" Ash loudly ordered, looking more than panicked.

He seemed terrified. 'Why is he acting that way ?!' I asked myself.

"Johan had a car crash near -"

Ash slammed his fist against the table while standing up, totally frightening me.

"Rebecca ! You shut up ! Don't you dare talk about this !" He yelled, like his life depended on what she was going to reveal.

She stared at him, like if she was challenging him to do anything. She than looked back at me again.

"Johan had a car crash near New York City a year ago. He was on a mission to stole data from our main competitor, the Coleman family. He quit the day after and never came back"

My blood ran cold. I stayed still for god knows how long. I slowly turned around to look at Ash, who was staring at the floor, remorses and fear invading his sliver iris, tears running down his cheeks.

"You ?" I asked, my eyes wide open and my voice shaking from the whirlwind of emotions moving across my entire body.

Hi guys !!
Hope you still like the story ! What do you think of it so far ?? Please don't hesitate to tell me ;)

Love from otters !

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