Follow me

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I was beyond stunned. My own brother was pointing a gun towards Ash. His face and behavior were unrecognizable. It was very similar to Ash behavior's change during the night in the club, where he protected me.

"On your knees, hands behind your head" he ordered.

My crush had no choice, and slowly obeyed.

"So you found out our weak point don't you ? You really thought you could mess with my brother ?!" He exclaimed, the volume of his voice increasing throught the sentence.

"Weak point ? Is he talking about me ?!" I asked myself.
But what shocked me the most was the horrified expression Ash had on his face.

"William stop" I tried to say firmly.

"You shut up !" He shot back, looking at me, his eyes full of anger.

I was petrified. I could tell a storm of emotions was taking place inside of him, just by looking at his face.
I couldn't imagine my brother talking to me that way and I was totally freaking out.
William came near Ash, and put his gun against my bad boy's left temple.

"William, you're scarying me" I honestly admitted.

"You have no idea who he is" my brother replied, his voice laced with what could be fear, or disappointment, or both.

"Calm down and put that gun away" I almost begged.

I came closer, tried to touch the gun, and my own brother backhanded me. Roughly.
I gasped while falling on the floor. Tears couldn't stop flowing down my cheeks.
I slowly got up, and at that moment, the sound of a gunshot filled the air, from the other side of the door. Someone was trying to break in my apartment. Like who could choose a moment as bad as this one ?!
I took advantage of the few seconds of distraction and jumped on my brother, sending both of us flying across my living room. The gun flew away toward the kitchen while we landed on my coffee table. I heard my door opening after the second gunshot.

"Adam get out of my way !" My brother screamed.

He pushed away, sending me flying against the wall.
I could hear fighting sounds from the corridor, but stayed on the floor. My body wasn't responding to my commands, and fear took control of my mind.
My brother ran toward the fight scene, and after a few moments, Ash emerged from my corridor, his hands full of blood.

"Adam ! Are you ok ?!" He screamed.

He helped me to stand up, and went to grab the gun.

"That son of a bitch dared to backhand you. I'm going to kill him"

I came back to my senses as soon as I understood he was talking about William.
I placed myself in front of Ash.

"No, nobody's going to die in my apartment. And certainly not my brother !" I said.

I turned around , and saw three men, my brother and two big men in black suits, totally unconscious on the floor.
Ash was in a huge dilemma between listening to his anger and listening to me. His eyes were showing it.
He finally sighed after a few moments.

"Fine, but we have to get out of here, fast" he calmly, yet very firmly said.

He took my hand and started to run.

"My motorcycle isn't far let's go"

All I could do was following him. I was aware I didn't know him. But I was also aware I didn't know my brother either.
We quickly hopped on the engine, and Ash turned it on as fast as he could.
I didn't know where he was going, because I closed my eyes and hugged Ash's perfect body tighly. Even there, I somehow felt safe with him.
Being in shock helped me being being distracted about the motorcycle, full speed on the highway. Between the devil and the big blue see, I still don't know which one is worst.
After what seemed like forever, we finally stopped moving.
I opened my eyes, and saw the road, in the middle of a forest.

"Where are we ?" I asked.

"Follow me"

I wanted to punch him. I had so many questions and here I was, in the middle of the forest, following someone I didn't know.
We walked in the forest for at least an hour, in an awkward silence.

"Ok, stop. I have so many questions" I finally blurted out.

My body was taking decisions for me, again.

"I know, but first, I have to protect you"

"Protect me from what ?!" I said louder, very annoyed about all this mystery.

"I swear I'll explain, just follow me"

"No. I won't until you tell me what's going on"

I stopped walking, and stared at Ash. Even looking at his back, I still found him gorgeous.
He sighed.

"The guy in your apartment, is he really your brother ?"

"Of course he's my brother. Well I think he's my brother" I answered.

I wasn't sure anymore. At that moment of my life, I felt like I was in a movie. Nothing was sure.

"So what ? Who is he ? Who is William ?" I added, a bit more confident.

Ash seemed anxious as fuck. He was about to speak when we heard something in the woods.

"Come on, let's get you safe first" he quickly said before walking again.

I thought I might explode. I wanted scream so bad. The truth ! I wanted the fucking truth.
We kept walking through the forest, with a new awkward silence filling the air.
And all of a sudden, out of nowhere, we arrived to a house. A huge house, in the middle of nowhere.

"What is that ?" I wondered.

"A house" he coldly answered.

"Ok, stop playing dumb. Explain"

"Please let's get inside first"

"No way"

He stayed silent for a few moments, clenching his jaw. His sharp beautiful features were highlighted by this behavior. Even there I was distracted by him ! Fuck he was perfect !

"Fine" he finally said.

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