Author Note

517 13 1

Hi guys !!!
Long time no see ! I'm sooooooo sorry for not updating this story lately. DON'T YOU WORRY, I will finish my story, I always finish them. (It's annoying to see great but incomplete stories on Wattpad, keeps fustrating me !). But with coronavirus, some personnal issues, and the fact that I'm homeworking for my internship, I've been busy, and not very inspired. But I must admit I'm sooo happy because 2 persons contacted me because they want an uptade. Thank you so much, I feel like my stories are worth your time, and that is so satisfying! I'll uptade soon, like next week or so normally.
Thank you for reading, commenting and voting my stories, merci, gracias, grazie mille ! I would have gave up if no one read it 😂
Big love from otters, stay safe and healthy, and I have an idea for a new story after this one !
littleotter23 😘

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