Into the unknown

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I slowly opened my eyes, and felt dizzy. I recognised the scent filling my noise. Ash.
Once my vision ajusted to the light in the room, I realised I was in Ash apartment, in New York.
That was unexpected, and incomprehensible.
I looked around, went into the living room and saw a stack of folded clothes, with an envelope on top of it, on the coffee table.
I opened it, and found a letter and som cash. Which is logical. However, the letter was from Ash.

"Dear Adam,
I apologize for the attack in the corridor. It was a mistake, and the person responsible for it is going regret ever touching you.  You have my words.
Since you made it pretty clear you wouldn't stay, I took the liberty of bringing you to my apartment.
Those clothes might help you stay unnoticed if you go in the street.
Please be careful, and don't trust your family. Your mother is going to hurt you if she finds you.
I truly love you, but I respect your decision.

Ash Sander"

Memories of what happened flowed back in mind, and my dilemma soon occupied my thoughts again.
The letter showed me how caring Ash was, and it was a proof of the sincerity of his words.
But I couldn't forget what he did to the man I loved.
Lost in my thoughts, I took those clothes, changed, and got out in the street.
My dilemma disappeared when I realised I didn't know what to do at that moment. I couldn't trust my family, or even go near my apartment again.
The only thing I could do was going to the coffee shop.
I put the hood on my head, and started to walk.
I had never been so suspicious of people before. The situation made me completely paranoid. I observed every men or women in suit, but each time, they were disinterested and normal. Which was a good thing.
I finally arrived, and fortunately, there were no customers or Jess in sight. Only Jake.

"Welcome to- Adam ?!" He exclaimed, relief clearly audible in his voice.

"Jake ! I need help !"

"Adam where have you been for god sake ?! I was worried sick ?! You didn't show up this morning, and that was very unusual. So I called you, like a hundred time, and you never responded ! What happened to you ?"

"Long story short, I-"

I stopped myself. I realised I couldn't ask Jake for help. What I was dealing with was way too dangerous. He had three children, a wife, and a happy life. He was such a generous and kind guy. 
I couldn't bring him into this.

"Adam ? Adam are you alright ? Tell me what's going on" he softly said as he came closer.

He put his right arm around my shoulders and guided me to a table nearby.

"Hum, I don't think I can keep working here. I have family problems right now, and it might occupied me for the next few weeks or so"

"Are you saying what I think you're saying ? Are you quitting ?"

I saw disappointment invading his features, and I looked away. Sadness filled my soul as I tried to say goodbye to the man who gave me a chance. To the man who helped so much more than he could imagine.

"I'm sorry, I need some time and I will not be capable of working here" I finally affirmed, my voice shaking.

"I'm going to miss you kiddo. You were the best employee I've ever had. My door will always be opened to you" he said, his word full of sincerity and generosity.

I bursted into tears and hugged him.

"Thank you Jake. You cannot imagine how much you helped me this past year. I owe you big time. But unfortunately, I need to leave" I said while weeping, my words barely articulated.

"No need to thank me. You're a good boy and I have faith in you. I hope you will come back and pay me a visit from time to time once everything is over. I might need you again in the future you know"

I kept hugging Jake for a moment, and left after saying goodbye.
Saying goodbye is such a horrible feeling !
But I didn't have as much time I would have liked to wallow in self pity.
I spotted a big man in black suit with sun glasses staring at me a few streets away from the coffee shop. I kept walking, trying to act casual, but it was too late. He must have noticed how my body tensed when our eyes met.
I felt his gaze from behind and knew he was following me.
I sped up and soon arrived in a busy street.
Then I ran as fast as I could. I knew my stamina was weaker than his, but hoped I could lose him in the crowd.
I looked back, and unfortunately, he kept up with me.
Panic started to cloud my judgment, and in a desperate attempt to shake him off, I turned to the right, in a little alley.
That was maybe the worst thing to do. I was dealing with a professionnal there, so of course, he followed me without any trouble.
I started to feel the limits of my physical competencies when a huge black guy tackled my harasser.
With his big strong hands, he punched the guy several times, leaving him unconscious on the sidewalk.

"Come with me" he quickly ordered as he ran.

Since I had nothing else to do, I followed him in a street nearby. He opened a car, and hoped in.
I briefly hesitated, and finally climbed in as well. He turn on the engine, and drove. Quickly. Too quickly.
He seemed tensed, looking around, probably to be sure the guy he knocked out hadn't called for backup.
I was there, sitting in silence, running straight into the unknown.

Living In The PastOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz