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I watched in horror as the men in black suit stared at me. I had never felt that level of stress in my entire life. I could feel my heart trying to break free from my chest. We both stayed still, and wondered why he stayed immobile. It was obvious I wasn't part of his organisation, but somehow, he stayed perfectly still, as if he was debating whether to kill me or not. I knew I could shoot him, I didn't know how many people was inside the room, but probably too much to kill them all. 

He suddenly moved forward, and I jumped back, pointing my gun at him. He moved his index finger to his lips, to tell me to stay silent. He arrived next to me. 

"You're the son of the boss, aren't you?" He whispered. 

I gulped and nodded. I didn't know what he thought and why he asked that question, but I was drowning in fear. 

"Listen to me, I was there when she tortured you" He suddenly admitted. 

I stared at him, wondering what was his point. 

"She did the same to my wife and my daughter after I tried to resign. She kept them captives all this time as a way to blackmail me. I don't know what I'm doing, but I think this is the chance for escaping I've been waiting all this time. We almost lost today, there only a few men left. But I know taht if she wins today, I can say goodbye to seeing my family again" He finally told me, always whispering. 

I was shocked again. My heart wasn't ready for that plot twist. I didn't know if he was telling me the truth, but I didn't have much a choice at that moment. He could be the key to saving Ash. 

"What do you propose ?" I asked, when a scream coming from Ash suddenly interrupted our discussion. 

"I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" She screamed with all her might. 

It sent me a shiver down my spin, but the next second, the guy was up and walked toward the room. I didn't know what to do, but I had to do something so followed him to the door but stayed out of vision from the inside. The guy stayed at the door, and suddenly started to shoot. I jumped in surprise and almost scream, but contained myself until he received multiple shots through his chest. I gasped, but put my free hand to my mouth. 


"Two... persons..." the guy finally whispered before passing away. 

I was in state of shock, and tried to keep my head cold. 

"Get him here" I heard my mother order to who I suppose was the second person in the room. 

I braced myself for the impact, held the gun, and waited for the guy to get out. I took a few step back, hearing him approach slowly. I couldn't be more focused, and more terrified in the same time. The moment he got out of the room, I shot him multiple times in the chest, killing him on the spot. 

"What the hell !?" My mother exclaimed. 

The guy was agonising on the floor, and couldn't resolve to kill him. I felt guilt coursing through my veins.

"Show yourself !" She ordered from inside the room. 

For the first time, I could feel the fear in her voice. I heard gun charging and footstep approaching, so moved backward and hid in another corridor. I could hear her stopping by the entrance, and I knew her skills where way better than mine. And I couldn't rely on the surprise effect anymore. 

"I don't have time for this. Show yourself, and you'll die quickly" she assured. 

I couldn't stay there eternally, but before I could show myself and try to kill her, someone popped from nowhere. 

"AAAAAAAAAAH" the person screamed from the other side of the corridor. 

"What!?" She said before shooting the person. 

I realised now was my chance, as I deduced she was probably turning her back to me. I stayed  crouched, looked into the corridor and shot as many bullets as I could. Unfortunately, she certainly saw where the bullets were coming from when I killed her servant. When I shot, she was looking straight into my direction and shot as well.  The gunshots stopped when I ran out of bullets, and it took me a few second to realise I was still alive. I looked the wall behind me and saw one bullet, probably because she had aimed too high.  I than looked into the corridor again, and my mother was laying one the floor, blood running out of her body. Ash rushed back in my mind and I started to run to the room. I took the gun off her hand, and while she was still agonising, I shot her right in the head. I than looked at the person who had distracted her, and recognised Travis. I wondered how he had exited the car, but I soon forgot it as I rushed inside the room, and saw Ash. He was disfigured, but alive. 

"ADAM!!!" Ash yelled, visibly relieved to see me alive.

I ran down to him, crying helplessly, and I hugged him.  

"Adam, my Adam! I love you so much!" He exclaimed, while I hugged him.

"I love you too! So much!" I responded, bursting into tears

I couldn't stop crying, just happy that Ash survived. I quickly untied him, and he almost borke me into piece from his hug. 

"Why the HELL are you here !?" He exclaimed, keeping me in his arms. 

"I ...couldn't... let you die!" I tried to say between two sobs. 

My exhaustion suddenly rushed back in my system and I passed out.


I slowly opened my eyes, but the light blinded me. 

"Finally you're waking up" Ash sweetly said, his hand on mine. 

"Everything is going to be alright, thanks to you" he said, almost crying. "Our family is going to withdraw from mafia business, we're keeping  your family's money, which will be far enough for us to live our lives in peace" He explained. 

I really opened my eyes this time, and looked at a way healthier Ash. 

"I love you" I finally said. 

"He looked straight into my eyes. 

"I love you too" He sweetly responded before kissing me.


Two chapters in one day!? Yes I know, that must be shocking :p 

And that's the end of this story ! So what did you think ? Is it worth waiting ? :p 

Feel free to comment and tell me what you think of the story ! I'm sorry again for not updating it for so long, but I'm kind of happy I finally finished it :) It feels good :p

I hope each one of you is safe and happy. Love you all so much!


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