You're a natural

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"What's this ?" Ryan, Ash's father, asked.

I looked up to see him staring at the piece of paper in my hand.

"I don't... know. It's a message I guess" I hesitantly answered.

"Who wrote it ?"

"I don't know" I repeated.

I stood up, walked to Ash's father and gave him the paper.
His eyes lit up when he read it. It seemed like the message brought back hope in his eyes.

"What is it ?" I asked after a few seconds of silence.

"It's a message from the person who has been helping us to fight the Coleman mafia for two years now" Ryan answered without looking up.

"The mole ?" I whispered.

"Precisely. You know who's behind that message ?" He spoke quickly.

"No" I replied after a few seconds.

I felt a wave of disappointment washing over him.

"Sorry" I added quickly.

"Don't worry"

He then took his phone, and called someone.

"Travis it's an emergency. My office. Now" he ordered firmly.

I couldn't help but shiver to how indimidating he could be. Fortunately, he wasn't like this with me.

"Travis and his team will decode this message in no time. Meanwhile, I going to teach you how to use a gun" he explained.

Soon enough, the said Travis barged in the office.

"New message from O" Ryan said.

Travis seemed to know what he was supposed to do, because he took the piece of paper and exited the room.
I then followed Ryan into a room on the other side of the headquarters. I could feel he was very well respected by everyone there.
We entered a shooting practice room.
Exactly like in the movies. I was impressed to say the least. The room was huge.
I jumped when Ryan gave me a basic handgun, getting me out of my thoughts.

"You know how to use it ?"

"No" I weakly answered, feeling a bit shameful.

"You're blushing" Ryan laughed.

"Well, I never used a gun before. So I don't really know if I'll be able to help you" I explained.

He nodded.

"Don't worry, you'll never be alone" he answered.

Then he explained me how to use a gun.
I was totally overwhelmed.

"Go on, try"

I glurped. I didn't understand half of what he said.
I put on the glasses and the headset, and felt his gaze on me, which was very destabilizing.
I took a big breath, and shot one time, instinctively closing my eyes.
I opened them slowly, only to see that the bullet went through the middle of the target.
I was stunned.

"Well, you're a natural" Ryan told me once I removed the headset.

"Your technique is quite incredible. The shot might be a lucky shot, but you have talent" he clarified.

"Hum well, that's good to know I suppose" I replied.

"But you need to be more confident. Don't be scared of the gun. You're the one shooting. The gun is just the tool, and you have full control of it"

I nodded and tried again.
Almost all the bullets went through the middle, giving confidence.

"Well I admit you're better than most of my people" Ash's father finally said once the practice was over.

I felt proud of myself. Even if it was just luck.

"Boss, Travis wants to see you" someone told us.

"My office" he simply answered.

We went back to his office, where Travis was waiting for us.

"Boss, we decoded the message" he affirmed, stepping away from the table he was nearby, in order to let us see what was on the computer screen behind him.

"June 16, 9 o'clock, military base" was written on the screen.

"What that's suppose to mean ?" I asked, a bit lost.

"It means that tomorrow, I'll go to the military base with the most trained people of this mafia" Ryan slowly replied.

"Boss, it can be a trap"

"And ?"

"We can't loose everyone"

"But this is the chance to get Johan back, and I will not let it slide" he replied firmly.

"I know, but we still need trained people here, at the headquarter" Travis explained.

"Fine, I'll go with Betty, Greta, and Karl" he finally said.

"And me" I added.

They both stared at me like I was crazy.

"You're sure ?" Ryan asked.


I wanted to killed every single person who had been helping my mother and brother. I wanted to make them pay, and I was fucking ready to kill.

"Fine" he finally decided.

"Boss, if I may-"

"You may not" he cut him.

Soon after, someone led me to my room.
I tried to close my eyes and sleep, but each time I did, flashbacks of torture would invade my mind.
I could still feel the pain of being accused the way I had been by Arthur.
I also thought of the way Ash didn't hesitate to sacrifice himself for me, even with the way I had treated him.
I regretted so much things.
And all those things kept me away from sleep.
When Ryan came early in the morning to warn me of the departure, I was already ready.
I followed him and the three other persons coming with us to a huge garage.
They gave me a handgun and munitions.
Soon enough, we were on our way to the place indicated by the message, by car.
I prayed they didn't make any mistake while decoding it.
After a few hours, we took a path in the woods.
'Do they have a kink with the woods ?!" I asked myself.
We stopped when we met another car.
My heart accelerated when the strangers opened their doors.
My blood turned cold when I saw my brother, with two of his mobsters. Kevin was one of them.
I quickly got out of the car.

"You move I fucking shoot you !" I screamed while pointing my gun toward him.

He rose his arms in surrender.

"Adam ? What are you doing here ?" He simply asked, acting like he didn't believe I would shoot.

"Taking my revenge you son of a bitch !" I yelled, tears flowing on my face.

"Adam calm down" Ryan ordered.

I realised they were all out of the car.

"You have no-" I started but my brother cut me.

"I'm O" he said.

Hello guys,

Sorry for the slow uptade ! I've been busy these last few days !
So what do you think ????

Thanks so much for reading, commenting anfd voting, it's soooo cool !
Love from otters !

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