Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Cartier Polo Event

Leigh's driver pulls the Rolls up to the line of other cars at the Cartier Polo Event.

"Wow, how rich are you Leigh?" Sean ask right as Michelle hits him in the arm. "OW!"

"You don't ask her that," Michelle that. "What did I tell you back at the house?"

"Keep my questions and opinions to myself," Sean said rubbing his arm. "Mom, I swear I'm going to have a bruised body by the time I go back home, all because of her."

Leigh and Ashlyn chuckle looking at each other. Leigh was up front sitting with her driver, as Ash, Sean, and Michelle were in the back seat.

"Sean, as I told your mom, don't worry about 'money'. This is on me; just enjoy it. You don't see your mom flipping out do you?" Leigh asked.

"No, but I'm sure she's going to go gaga and star struck seeing people," he said looking outside the windows.

"Maybe; but it's not like I'm going to blow up with excitement," Ash smiled at Leigh, "I have been taught by Leigh for years not to be. I might be a tiny bit inside, but I'll be cool about it."

"Remember just about a month ago, mom did great with Lin," Leigh reminded him.

The car slowly creeps forward as the other cars let out their passengers, while Leigh gets a little antsy.

"Everything is going to be fine Auntie Leigh," Michelle leans forward to whisper to her.

"God I hope so, I want this day to go perfect, I mean this is my world. I want them to like it," Leigh whispers back as Ash and Sean look out the window watching all the nobles and celebrities walk the 'green carpet'.

"Leigh," Ash said looking at her friend. "As Michelle said, everything is going to be fine. Remember I was worried about how my theater family was going to react to you, and they loved you. I know that this is going to be different because of 'class'," Ash used her fingers for quotations, "but remember you taught me the proper stuff, and I know Michelle gave a 101 course with Sean this week."

"Ya, that was fun," Sean teased as Michelle glares back at him. "I'm kidding."

"Do you really think someone is going to say anything against them; you are the sole heir to the Texas oil and you have the heir of this country," Michelle states in a forceful whisper leaning closer to Leigh to hear her.

"Ok, but still," Leigh responds.

"Is that George Clooney?" Ash asks with her eyes wide in shock.

"Him and his wife have come every year along with a few other celebrities you might notice?" Michelle adds excitedly.

Ash giggles, "I shouldn't be surprised... the man never aged for years. God, mom even loved him. Boy, she's going to be pissed that I was this close to him."

"Just do me a favor and try and keep Michelle with you, because last year my little niece tried to flirt with a Mr. Felton, and failed miserably but still tried." Leigh states with a smile towards Michelle.

Ashlyn and Sean giggled as Michelle leans back in the seat, "Auntie Leigh, come on. That was a year ago. I'm more mature."

"Ha; that is until you find the twins and all bets are off," Leigh states with a laugh and Michelle just frowns.

Soon, Leigh's Rolls was next in line.

"Anything we need to do?" Ash asked. "Tell us what to do and we'll do it."

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