Chapter 30

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Chapter 30

Ash was outside in the gardens with Sean. She decided to tell him what she found out about the school information.

"What's wrong mom?" Sean asked. "You have always been coming out here to tell me bad news lately."

Ash sighs, "Well, I did some research on Eton and the uniforms and stuff."

"I know that they are pretty pricey."

Ash nods, "Really high priced." She paused, "If I don't get help from Edward or Harry, I might have to go to the bank just for a loan. I can't afford them."

"But we know I have no choice but a private school mom."

"I know sweetheart. It's just that we have no choice. It's either I get the loan or we do all online schooling."

Sean nods, "Can dad help?"

"I got an ear full from Liz, she's not going to budge about it. I get enough as is; she won't have your dad pay more."

Sean frowns, "What if I talk to dad."

"He's at training camp sweetheart."

He frowns, "Right."

"We'll think of something bud, I promise."

They hug as they hear feet coming toward them and they look to see Harry beaming.

"Harry," Sean beams.

"What are you doing here? I thought that you had meetings all day," Ash told him.

He comes over and kisses her, "How much do you love me?" he asked.

"A lot, why do you ask?" she asked, "Wait, what did you do?"

"Well, let's just say," he looks at Sean, "We pulled some strings, and Edward, Will, and myself got this guy enrolled at Eton."

"WHAT!" they said once.

"I got in?" Sean asked excitedly. "I get to go to Eton?"

"Yep," Harry smiled.

"Thank you," Sean said and hugs him and he hugs back.

"How?" Ash asked.

Harry looks at her, "Edward got his school transcripts from back home, and with some letters from us and permission from Grams, they were impressed with his grades, they're letting him enroll."

"That's wonderful, but I can't afford the enrollment fee?"

Harry smiles, "Edward, Will, and I are taking care of it. The uniforms and supplies are all you have to do."

Ash frowns, "I can't get the uniforms and the dorm room stuff. With everything going on back home and lawyer fees, I'm dry."

"Edward told you that he's paying for it. So don't stress out."

"But still, it's over a thousand dollars for the uniform stuff." Ash sighs, "I guess I'll go call the bank to see if I can get a loan."

She starts walking off.

"Hey wait," Harry said going after her.

"What?" she asked.

Harry quickly thought of something, "Since I'm going to be Sean's stepdad, why don't he and I go hangout."

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