Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

"Miss Wilson, lunch is ready and you have a visitor," Nancy said coming into the office.

"I wasn't expecting anyone," Ash sighs.

"That's the point," she heard behind Nancy, and looked to see Harry beaming.

"Hi," she smiled saving her stuff on her laptop, and ends the program before standing up and closes her laptop. "I wasn't expecting you."

"Then it wouldn't be a surprise now would it?" he asked, walking over and going over as Ash reached him and they share a soft kiss.

"No," she smiled and looked at Nancy. "Is there enough lunch for everyone?"

"Of course," she smiles. "The kids wanted to eat outside under the trees today."

"Great spot," Ash smiled remembering she ate there with Lin yesterday.

"Let's go then," Harry said giving her his arm for her to take.

Ash takes it and they walk out of the office and goes outside.


"So, anything from back home?" Sean asked.

Ash smiles, "Well, the kids came up with an idea, and I fell in love with it that we're going to do it."

"What?" Michelle asked.

"The kids wanted to make their own cover for the Playbill. So we're going to hold a contest. There is going to be 5 winners in five groups and the reward is getting a Skype call from me with a special guest."

"Who is going to be the special guest?" Sean asked.

"Well, I asked Lin and he loves the whole idea, and he is thinking about going over and seeing the play with his family."

"The kids are going to love that," Michelle beamed.

Ash nodded.

"What about me?" Harry asked.

Ash frowns, "I'm sorry. I just thought that since we don't have the whole world know about us yet, and for protection, I just thought Lin should help. I mean, you could be there too, and help us out with the contest."

"I would like that," Harry smiled.

"When are you going to do it?" Michelle asked.

"The deadline I thought would be next week; I would have a few days to look over all of the entries, with you guys and Lin's help. We pick one from each group as the winner, and the next weekend or something we'll do a Skype call when Lin can in his schedule."

"That's going to be fun," Michelle beams.

"Are you going to Skype call the kids and give them the rules?" Sean asked.

"Oh, that would be a great idea." Ash sighs, "I miss them."

She grabs her phone and frowns. "Sadly I can't call. It's almost 6am there."

"What time does camp start?" Harry asked.

Ash does the math, "I would have to check in at 4pm here. But I do want Carol and Tom to get everything setup so that I can Skype them."

"Just text Carol and let her know that you would like to Skype call them at 8:30. That would give them time to get the theater screen and projector up and running and hook up the computer to the projector cords," Sean said.

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