Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

The next few days were interviews and photoshoots for Ashlyn and Harry. It was nonstop for them, but it was a big deal for Harry to finally tie the knot. But there were still a few 'fake news' that Ash couldn't get away from.

From Real Rags to Royalty

From Backstage to Front and Center

Fiction to Reality

The queen herself defused all of them, but Ash knew that they were right on a few things, just wish that they would leave her out of it, but she couldn't. She was marrying Harry.

The queen herself wanted to get with Kate, Leigh, and Ashlyn to go over the wedding plans. She wanted to know what Ash wanted, but get their opinions too. Ash was happy about it because she loved watching Will and Kate's wedding back home, but she knew she wasn't going to copycat theirs, or even Will's mother.

They were all invited over for tea, luckily the boys were in a meeting at the palace, so it was easy for them to do.

When they walked in the room where the queen was waiting, Ash curtsies as Leigh as Kate walks toward her.

"Grams," she smiled.

"Your majesty," Leigh and Ash said.

"You're family now, you don't need to curtsy," the queen beams.

"Sorry," Ash said turning a shade of pink in her cheeks.

"Come, have some tea, and I'll introduce you to my guests here that are going to help design everything you want for your wedding," she said pointing to the tables that had tea and finger sandwiches and the chairs in a half circle.

The girls get some tea and sandwiches before sitting down.

"Now, what colors were you thinking about my dear?" she asked Ash.

"We talked about dark blue and dark purple since it's going to be held in the fall, we wanted cool but those colors," she answered.

Ash was watching someone writing stuff down.

"Lovely, it'll go with the ring," the queen pointed out.

"Yes," Leigh agreed.

"Who did you want as your bridesmaid? Kate had her sister."

"I asked Leigh..."

Leigh frowns, "I love the idea, but I don't think I should. Robert and I talked about it and he doesn't want me to steal your spotlight."

"And I would love too, but I can't either," Kate adds.

"Oh," Ash frowns, "I understand. You would draw attention from me."

The queen nods, "Good point. We'll think of someone dear." As someone writes more down, "Now, what dress design were you thinking about?"

"I know that I have to have long sleeves, so I don't have an issue with that."

Leigh gets into her purse and pulls out a small notebook and shows grams. "This is Ash's book that she worked on years ago for wedding ideas, and she was always down to these dresses."

The queen looks, "Oh, that is lovely dear." She looks at the guests behind her. "What are you waiting for? Get started on the bride."

Soon, Ash was helped out of the chair and helped up to stand on a pedestal and was getting measured.

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