Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Ashlyn was just enjoying her time getting to know Beatrice, Eugenie, Zara, and Kate without Leigh or anyone else around them. Finally, someone else to talk to without knowing everything about her life.

Soon, they heard a voice out loud. "Kate, I wasn't introduced to Harry's new girl toy."

"She's not his toy," Zara, Beatrice and Eugenie said together.

Ash softly says, "Excuse me?"

"It's Camilla," Kate whispered before she speaks a little louder, "Camilla, this is Miss Ashlyn from Oregon, USA. She's a guest visiting Lady Fellows for the summer."

"So? Is her son Harry's too?" she asked.

A few members inhale.

"No!" the girls said together.

"He does travel... maybe he had a fling with her and found out that it's his."

Ash did notice that she was drinking something.

"Camilla!" the queen said. "Henry just met her and her son just a month ago for the first time at Lady's Fellows. So, I don't think her son is his. Besides, he looks more like his mother then Henry."

Ash wanted to hug grams and tell her thank you. Sean did look like her.

"So, she's here because?"

"She's Harry's guest, and luckily she already knows the girls. So, leave them be."

Camilla sighs and walks off.

Ash sighed, "Leigh warned me about her."

They nodded.

"Just don't worry about her. Grams can take care of her," Kate smiled.

Ash smiles and wonders how Sean was doing with the guys.


Sean, Will, Harry, and Mike were all sitting down around the room together in the men's room while cigars and hard drinks were passed around.

"You're too young, don't worry," Harry told him.

"Good, I don't think mom would've been happy about it."

"She would have his head," Mike said pointing at Harry as they chuckled softly.

"I promised not to drink tonight anyways," Harry informed them.

"Me too," Will said.

"I'll have your drinks then," Mike teased as he took a drink from a server tray as the others waved the server off.

They were sitting there, introducing Sean to some of the men there, but Harry went into protection mode. He didn't want Ash to get upset with him not watching over Sean carefully.

Soon, they heard some talking in a corner, and the boys knew right away.

"Harry, what do you see in that woman?"

"She has a name," Will said sternly.

"I don't care what her name is. The whole world knows about her now and it looks bad on our family that you have this girl that doesn't know royalty information."

This caused a few chuckles around the room. Either he was right, or they see something else.

"Well, for your information Charles," Mike said standing up and faces him. "Miss Wilson has showed the world that she does and respects the family. That first day she met Harry, in the paper they said she didn't even touch his hand as he held it out. She bowed and that was it. That shows that she knows."

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