Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

Ash made sure that she was hiding in a black hoodie and shades on as she went into the hotel, and straight up to the elevator and went up to the floor. She goes to the door and knocks. The door opens and she sees Jungkook answer it and he smiles.

"Ashlyn," he smiled.

"Hey Jungkook," she smiled.

He lets her in as he sees her bags, "You're staying?"

She nods, "Yep, just for a few nights."

He beams, "Ya!" He then speaks Korean and soon everyone comes into the room and sees her.

"Ashlyn," Hobi said going over and hugging her.

She hugs back, "Hi, Hobi."

"We have bedroom ready for you," Jimin said smiling at her.

"Okay, which one?" she asked.

Namjoon smiles, "I'll show you."

She follows him with her bags. Once they get into the room, they see two queen beds.

"So, I decided that I'll be your roommate. Tae is sleeping with Jimin and Hobi; Jungkook, Suga, and Jin in the other bedroom. We'll leave the door open so that they'll know nothing is going to happen."

"Thank you," she smiled going over to the bed that was cleared off and she put her bags down.

"Here in a few minutes, we're leaving for the dance studio."

"Okay," she smiled. "I just need to get in my comfy clothes."

Namjoon leaves the room, "I'll let you change and we'll go."

"Thanks," she smiled as he shut the door behind him.


For the next two days, Ash and BTS worked on their dance over and over again. By Thursday afternoon, Ash finally got it down. When she got it down, she was in a BTS group hug with them jumping up and down as she was laughing.

That evening, after everyone showered from sweat, they ordered some food to be delivered so that they could make it themselves. Ash let them cook as they talked and cooked together, she was giggling while watching them cut or cook stuff wrong, or was impressed that they did it correctly. She just enjoyed the brotherly love that they have for each other.

They sat down to eat their dinner, and just visited.

Namjoon speaks up, "So, Sunday they want to know if you're ready for it?"

"I don't know anything about it," she teased.

A few spoke in Korean as she smiled.

"You knew," he smiled laughing and told them she knew.

"Of course, I can't wait."

"You make us cake?" Tae asked.

A few talked as Namjoon tried to calm them down.

"We always get the cake for each other, Jimin normally does, but I told them that you make amazing cakes back home and they want to try it. A few were planning on making them."

Ash smiled at Jimin, "Why don't you make one for Jungkook and I'll make Namjoon his."

Namjoon translates and they nod in agreement.

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