Chapter 27

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Chapter 27


The next morning, Ashlyn was granted a book to read after given dry toast and milk for breakfast. She didn't know what time it was anymore. She wished she never left home or this warrant thing never happened.

"Hey Wilson," she heard and look sees the officer. "You have some visitors."

She stands up putting the book down on her bed, goes toward the cell door as he opens the door to put handcuffs on her wrists before she follows him down the hall. She gets to a room and sees a few unknown men, Edward, her lawyers, and Sean.

"Mom!" Sean said excitedly which causes Edward to lightly touch his shoulder, Sean looks at him and nods.

"No funny business; knock on the door when you are ready," the officer said before shutting the door behind Ash.

"Now you can hug her." Edward states smiling.

Sean rushes over to hug Ash as she couldn't hug him back. He kissed her cheek and whispers, "Harry said he loves you and wanted to be here, but he and Will had business to attend to. He has the ring and Leigh has the bracelet."

Ash nods understanding that Harry probably believes the news now and doesn't want to be with her anymore, but glad the jewelry are safe and back with the family.

"Are you alright?" Edward asked.

"I'm okay, just a bit worried and scared," Ash answered.

"You know your lawyers," he said looking over as Ash and her lawyers greeted each other, "and these are my lawyers."

"Hello," they each said as Ash shook each of their hands.

"Well come sit down here and we'll get to work," he told her as Sean pulled out a chair for her to sit down in as he takes up the chair to her left, while Edward takes the one to her right.

One of his lawyers pulls out a handheld recorder as he pushes play. "Okay Ashlyn, please go into full detail about you and Alex Smith."

She looks at Sean, "Sean heard parts of it when he was younger, but he's not supposed to know the whole story until he's 18 years old."

"I already knew about the money and the bank account for my college mom," he told her.

Ashlyn nods, "Okay. I'm sorry from hiding from you." She closes her eyes as she heard a sound of paper slide on the table; she opens her eyes to see a picture of Alex with a family and a news article next to it on a piece of paper.

"Is this him?" they asked.

She nods, "That's him."

"You might want to read this article. It was posted in the news last night," Edward said. "I did call and inform them about some things. Which they corrected."

Ashlyn tries her best to pick up the paper and read it alone. After a few minutes, she sighed trying to stay calm, "It's not true. He did send the money, but I can't even touch it. I'm not allowed too, it's in Sean's name, the bank account and contract." She looks at the lawyers and Edward. "The only money I got was the side child support for Sean's personal needs. School stuff, clothes, food, phone, internet, heat, and power, everything he needs."

"So how did you get the money for the trip to come here?" one lawyer asked.

She looks at Edward and the lawyers, "Leigh paid for everything with his permission. The tickets, the dresses, the shoes; the shows, the food, tourist attractions, everything. The only things I bought were the souvenirs for Sean and me, but that money I had saved up on my own from my own paychecks back home for six months."

In the SpotlightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora