Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Monday, Aug 5

Ashland, Oregon

Everyone staffed at the Drama Camp and Bowmer Drama Studios was finishing cleaning up the mess and putting stuff away while the kids were all gone and getting ready to go back to school. Tom and Carol informed Ashlyn that it was the biggest turnout, and was sad that she had to miss it, but Ashlyn had some major business to do while in London, but promised that she would be back to explain her whole vacation with them.

Ash's parents were in the office doing some business of their own, when Tom and Carol looked up to see Mitchel coming toward them with a few cops behind him, and see three people with them, and men in suits.

Carol smiles, "Hey Mitch, what's going on?" she asked.

"Not much, thought that I'd bring you guys a surprise," he smiled. "A package all the way from London."

Carol saw whom, "Ashlyn!" she said going over as Ash smiled, opening her arms as they hugged.

"Hey Carol," she smiled.

Carol lets go and looks to see who was behind her, "OH," she curtsies, "Your highness."

Harry laughed, "Please call me Harry."

"Of course," she smiled seeing Leigh, "Leigh, hello again."

"Hey Carol," Leigh smiled as they hugged.

"Um, where are Penelope and Devin?" Mitchel asked.

"In the office; why?" Carol asked.

Ash looks at Carol, "You didn't hear?"

"No, what?"

Ash pulls out her phone, does some searching and shows the news.

Carol reads it, "OMG," she looks at Ash, "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay," Ash told her. "They're getting arrested and we're pressing charges."

Carol nods, "I understand," she looks at Ash's hand, "Wait!" She gets excited and hugs her, "I saw the news weeks ago, I'm so happy for you." She looks at Harry, "Congratulations!"

"Thank you," Harry smiled.

"Where did he ask you?" Carol asked, studying the ring.

"In Paris," Ash smiled. "On top of the Eiffel Tower."

"How romantic," as Carol studies it, she looks at Ash, "Wait... that means," she frowns, "you're leaving us?"

"I have to. I'm marrying Harry, and Sean will be going to the best school there. Harry and Will are working on getting him enrolled. Sean's staying with Will and getting to know his uncle and aunt; he's been getting to know his cousins too."

"That's amazing," she smiled. "So you're here to say goodbye."

"That, and something else. I am staying for the week to get my personal belongings packed up and donate some things."

Soon, they heard voices and out from the curtains on stage came Penelope and Devin with a few crewmembers seeing Ashlyn.

"Ashlyn! You're home!" mom said coming toward them excitedly.

Ashlyn froze as Harry and Leigh touched her arms.

"No, mom..." she said, getting the courage. "I'm done with your damn games, and I'm not going to be treated like shit anymore and be your little puppet. You broke the law, many times, and LIED to the world! You put Sean, my friends, and myself in danger. We are through; you've pushed me too far." She glares at her parents and looks at Mitchel, "Do it."

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