Chapter 11

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Chapter 11


Ashlyn, Michelle, and Sean agreed that they would just stay home the next day since they have been busy for the past three days while Leigh keeps doing her family business stuff. Harry also agreed that they didn't need too, and he would try to come to visit later on when he has the time in his schedule.

The next morning, Ashlyn was sleeping away in her bed. She and Harry stayed up talking privately in one of the rooms downstairs in Leigh's home until it was late, and he had to go. He was such a gentleman, that he didn't want to kiss her until they went out on a real date. Ashlyn felt like they should've earlier in her room, but she agreed. Kissing after their first date, even though they both wanted to kiss each other.

Ashlyn was enjoying her sleep until she heard yelling outside her door.

"Sue, you cannot just go barging in and wake her up."

"I'm sorry, but this is a serious matter."

"Lady Fellows isn't going to like you to bother her guests in her home, again."

"I'm sorry but this doesn't concern you. This is Fellows business."

Soon her door burst open.

"GET UP!" someone yelled at her.

Ash knew the voice and covers her head, "Go away Sue."

"No, you are seriously in trouble. You are putting Lady Fellows' name into shame right now."

"How?" Ash asked not even moving.

Soon she heard her curtains open up in her room one by one. "Well, for starters, you just put your low life class ass in the local paper."

"What?" Ash asked now finally uncovering her head and sitting up in bed. "What are you talking about Sue."

Sue tosses the paper at her on the bed, "THAT!"

Ash grabs it to take a look to see the headline read...


There were a few pictures of her and Harry together at the London Eye and a few solo pictures from the polo match.

"How did they get my picture from the polo match? I remember them being grouped, but..."

"It doesn't matter; you are ruining the Fellows' name."

"How so?" Ash asked again looking at Sue.

Soon they heard talking in the hallway again.

"She's woken up Miss Wilson without asking," Nancy said. "She's accusing her about your family name in the paper Lady Fellows."

Soon in walks Leigh with her robe on and Michelle in hers.

"Sue, what the hell are you doing yelling at my guest?" Leigh asked upset.

"She's ruining your family name," Sue said pointing at Ash who was now reading the paper. "She ended up on the cover of the newspaper. This whole town knows about how rude she was to the young prince yesterday. They're talking about your family..."

Ash reads aloud, "While at the London Eye, young Prince Harry of Wales was following a young redhead woman and her group of friends while walking around the area. As the group parted, the said redhead woman bumped into Prince of Wales while not looking where she was going. Bystanders watched as she realized who was in front of her as she curtsied to the Prince of Wales as he held out his hand, which she did not take. They exchanged words, which they saw Prince of Wales' face frown, said something as her group of friends were coming back, and he left her there. As this reporter did some research, this young woman is a guest of Lady Leigh Fellows. She was also at the Polo Match on Saturday with Fellows, which goers noticed that she also bumped into actor Eddie Redmayne. They exchanged words as well, and as they parted way, they were smiling. So, what was said to Prince of Wales to make him upset? Why was he following this young redhead woman? Does this woman do these on purpose, or is she just clumsy?"

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