Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

The next morning, Ashlyn wakes up and stretches in bed, and smiles. It was Harry's birthday, and she was excited. This time it wasn't with a phone screen between them. She can tell him in person, and celebrate it with him and the others.

As she got out of bed to head to the bathroom there was a knock on the door.

"Ash," she heard Leigh say coming in.

"In here... give me a sec."


Ash finishes up and goes out to her bedroom with her robe and slippers on.

"Morning," Leigh said.

"Morning," Ash smiled and goes to sit down on her couch, "What's up?"

"Is everything ready for tonight?" she asked coming over to sit beside her.

Ash nods, "Just dinner with his best friends, and our circle."

"Did you get him anything?"

Ash shakes her head, "I figured I would be his gift since he has almost everything."

"True," Leigh agrees. "I just wasn't sure what to give him, but he is hard to shop for."

"You gave him me; I think that's good enough."

Leigh laughs, "That is true. I got you two together, and you're engaged..." she waves her hands in the air, "My job is done."

The girls laugh softly when there is another knock on the door.

"Come in," Ash said.

The door opens and in walks Michelle and Sean.

"Morning," they all said as they came in and shut the door.

Sean comes over to kiss his mom's head. "Everything ready?"

Ash sighs, "Yes. Just dinner with his best friends and our circle."

"What? No going out to party and drinking?" Michelle asked, surprised.

"Not this year," Leigh smiled.

Ash smiles, "We're low key tonight... Grams will be happy for once."

Leigh giggles, "She won't have to cover his craziness this birthday."

Ash's phone goes off and she sighs, "For once, it would be nice not to answer."

Michelle goes to get it and smiles, "It's the birthday boy."

Michelle hands her the phone and Ash sees a text. "He wants to know if he can come over."

"Why is he asking? He always does," Leigh giggled.

"Well, he thinks I'm decorating the ballroom."

Sean laughs, "But it's just a simple dinner."

Ash nods, "Yep. He doesn't know his friends are coming for the dinner," Ash looks at Leigh, "thanks to Leigh, Will, and Kate, they invited the friends over to dinner here, and that's all it is."

"What did you guys get him for his birthday?" Michelle asked.

Ash and Leigh laugh, "Nothing."

"Nothing?" the kids asked.

"I already gave him Ashlyn," Leigh answered.

"And he already has me, what else does he need?" Ash asked with a smile.

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