Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Ash was in her room working on some emails and changes that needed to be worked on for the musical back home, when she heard a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" she asked typing away.

The door opens and she sees Leigh and Robert popping their heads on.

"Hey," Leigh smiles.

"Hi," she smiled.

Robert looks around, "Nice room," he smiles. "Good tastes."

"Ya, I designed it for her," Leigh chuckles.

"Well, great." He looks at Ash, "I'll leave you two ladies to visit. I wanted to come say goodbye and it was really nice meeting you finally Ashlyn."

Ashlyn smiles, "It was an honor meeting you. Please, don't be a stranger."

"Oh, I won't," he smiles, "I'll go say bye to the kids too."

"Please do, but make it short," Ash warned him, "Knowing my son, he's going to ask you questions."

"Duly noted," he beams and kisses the top of Leigh's head, "Sweet dreams my love."

"Good night," she smiles as he leaves the room.

Leigh walks into Ash's room as Ash saved her work and shuts the laptop closed.

"So?" Leigh asked.

Ashlyn gets up excited and goes to hug Leigh as Leigh relaxes and hugs back.

"OMG, you're dating Robert Downey Jr., the Iron Man," Ash tells her and looks at her. "Good choice."

"You're not upset?" Leigh asked, surprised.

"Why would I be upset? I mean you're my best friend and I can tell you love him."


"When you were texting on the phone, when he walked into the room, your eyes lit up, just as he did too, and held hands during the conversation."

Leigh smiles, "I'm glad someone approves."

Ash smiles more, "But this means if you end up marrying Robert, you would be living closer to me!"

Leigh was puzzled and then smiled, "That's true. I can come visit whenever I want too."

"Ya!" Ash smiles and frowns, "Um, something was said downstairs, and I didn't know."


"I'm not going to ask for details, or turn it into a pity party, but, Will told me that your parents passed away."

"Ashlyn I..."

"Please," she stopped her. "I understand. I'm sorry about them being gone, they didn't go into full detail, that's for you to tell me. I would love to hear stories about them, when you're ready."

"Thank you," Leigh smiles, relaxing more. "What happened downstairs?"

Ash smiles, "Harry got his butt chewed out by Will."


"Harry asked to stay, and I told him it's not my place to say, but I didn't want to hurt you."

"Thank you," Leigh sighs. "So," she looks at the laptop, "How's it going back home?"

"Great!" Ash smiles. "They got 200 kids signed up. It's our biggest number ever. We're thinking about breaking the group doing 2-3 casts to do the show so that everyone gets a chance to perform."

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