Chapter 13

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Beep... beep... beep... beep... I feel insanely groggy. I slowly become more aware of myself, and how heavy I feel. I try to lift up an arm, but it won't listen to me. The beeping noise continues steadily.

Beep... beep... beep... I wish Wanda would turn off the stove. I was sleeping so deeply...

Beep... beep... beep... beep... hear a pair of voices around me. They are deep, much deeper than Wanda's or mine. Before I manage to fully wake up again, I sink back down into my peaceful, deep sleep.

Beep... beep... beep... I feel uncomfortable. I finally manage to open my eyes, but I can't see anything; it's too bright. The beeping increases steadily in frequency. I suddenly start choking on something lodged deep in my throat. I can't breathe. I start panicking and the beeping goes wild. All of a sudden there are people around me, none of whom I recognize and they keep a hold of me, pressing me down onto whatever I am lying on, and my vision goes dark as I'm plunged into the abyss of darkness once again.

The next time I regain consciousness, the beeping noise is no longer accompanying me. I feel a dull ache in my body, but no pain. It's a strange sensation. My eyelids flutter open lazily, and I am once again met by the blinding white light. It slowly recedes and I try understanding where I am. I'm lying on a plain white bed surrounded by green curtains on all sides. I'm hooked up into a machine. Without thinking, I rip out the needles sticking into my left arm, which is now encased in a thick cast with some steel pins sticking out. I notice I am dressed in what looks like a thin hospital gown. I swing my legs off the side of the bed, placing my feet down on the cold floor. I struggle for a while to find the strength to stand up without leaning against the bed -my legs feel like they no longer include bones to support me, but eventually, I do find my balance.

I silently slip through the curtains surrounding my bed. I am in a big, open room with the same green curtains pulled around beds, I assume. It's silent, only the noise of the machines inside the wall of green can be heard. I slowly tiptoe out of the room and enter a stark, cold hallway. I am definitely in a hospital, there is an unmanned reception desk and along the hallway are signs in Romanian and Hungarian indicating the way to different areas of the hospital. There is no one around, so I start walking down the hallway away from the reception. I pass light, wooden doors with plaques with different names on them, but I don't stop. I don't know what I am looking for exactly, but it seems like my legs have a plan as they take me down the hall.

I finally round a corner and instinctively jump back behind it. There are two men, dressed in combat gear with machine guns standing guard in the hallway. Luckily, they did not seem to notice me as they are seemingly deep in conversation, their voices echoing off the walls.

"-whether or not it was on purpose." One of them says and the other agrees enthusiastically.

I dare to sneak a peek around the corner. The two men are dressed in what I can now tell is S.W.O.R.D. kit and they're standing guard outside a specific door. They do not seem to be specifically interested in keeping watch, as they're both stood facing the door, looking through a small window on the door into the room on the other side.

"I don't get why we need to be standing here." One of the men whines. "My feet are aching, man. I mean Jesus Christ nothing has happened for the past ten hours."

"She just lies there." The other agrees, switching his weight from one foot onto the other.

"Fuck, I'm seriously falling asleep here." The man starts turning around and I quickly hide behind the corner again. I have a pretty good idea of what they're guarding.

"Dude, me too. Shit, I mean it's four in the morning, we've got what, two more hours to go?"

"I'm gonna die if I can't get a coffee or something."

Fire and Smoke - Wanda Maximoff x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant