Chapter 88

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"It's- I found it." I stutter, my mind still behind me inside the cabin as I pat down the old hoodie I'm wearing.

"You found it." Natasha repeats suspiciously. "Where?"

"Wanda's stolen it, not me!" I defend myself, throwing my hands up in the air, slightly irritated. All I wanted was merely some peace. That seems to be too much to ask for here.

"Hmm." Natasha glances down at my sweater again. "When?"
"Oh my god, how should I know? I'd literally give it back to you right now, but I don't feel like waltzing around in my bra."

Natasha looks at me with narrowed eyes, her cheeks flushed. I shrug at her, not frankly in the mood to argue. Her expression softens slightly as if she can tell I'm tired. On cue, she sighs.

"Did you sleep at all?"
"I rested."
"You look like shit."
"Thanks, you too." I roll my eyes and she huffs.

"You've spent too much time with my sister." She scowls at me. "She's rubbing off on you."
"And thank god for that." Yelena saunters up towards us, Darcy in tow as if summoned.

Natasha doesn't turn around to look at the newcomers, but simply seems to deflate slightly, her lips thinning out, but she can't appear to help the minuscule upturn to her lips.

"Good morning." Yelena gives me a smile which quickly vanishes off her face. "Ouf, you look like shit."
"Who's rubbing off on who?" I smirk, looking back at Natasha.

"Shut up."
"Dysfunctional, all of you." Darcy mumbles, crossing her arms across her chest. She's wearing her thick hair in a comically unstable bun on the top of her head which keeps threatening to fall either way as she moves.

"What are we arguing about now?" She snickers, looking from me to Natasha and back again. "Liv, if it's about your love life again I swear-"
"It is not!" I quickly cut her off, feeling my cheeks burn.

"Oh, what a surprise!" Darcy visibly brightens and Yelena chortles appreciatively. I shoot her a look but she just grins back at me.

"Why are you standing out here? It is cold." Yelena asks Natasha.

"I told you to wear more than that stupid t-shirt." Natasha replies in a bored tone, raising her eyebrows at her sister.

"What? It's cute?" Yelena looks up at us like a puppy waiting for approval.

"Mostly, it's mine." Natasha says tiredly.

"But it's cute."

Their interaction makes a burst of laughter escape my lips. Both sisters turn to look at me with unimpressed looks on their faces. I quickly shut up.

"So, why are you here? Witchy throwing another fit in there?" Yelena asks me, nodding at the cabin behind me.

My joy quickly dissipates as she reminds me of what I was trying to escape, and I feel myself get red in the face as suddenly some very inappropriate flashbacks of Wanda's and my trip to the bathroom invade my mind.

"Don't get annoyed, just a question!" Yelena throws her hands in the air, mistakenly readingthe expression on my face as vexation.

"It's fine." I manage to splutter out as I desperately try to not imagine Wanda's hands on-

"Right, do you think our host with the most has any food in that cabin, or does her man toy not need food and we're all meant to starve?" Yelena asks indifferently, leaning over to the side slightly to look at the cabin with a yearning stare.

"Yelena!" Darcy giggles and Yelena looks at her.

"What? It's a good question!"
I can't help but grin at the two of them, effectively scattering Wanda's curious hands from my mind. Spending only a minute in their company has already significantly brightened my mood. Natasha seems the opposite, but I can tell the annoyed expression she's sporting at the moment is not entirely truthful. She's looking at me rather too inquisitively for my liking, and I instantly sense she's onto me.

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