Chapter 83

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"So, are you always this grumpy?" I sigh heavily at the interruption and regretfully tear my eyes away from the window where I've fixed my gaze on the rolling clouds for the past hour or so, letting my overworked brain switch off.

My eyes instantly fall upon Yelena, who, naturally, has decided to sit down right in front of me, her legs crossed in front of her on the seat of the plane. Her expression tells me I'm in for a ride. I don't try to pretend to be happy about having to interact with her. Yelena does not seem to mind at all. She cocks her head slightly to the side, watching me with an amused expression, small dimples visible on her cheeks.

"Do you always interrupt people?" I shoot back at her, my voice sounding hoarse, and she just looks more amused by my words, which makes me more grumpy. Well, I was not grumpy to start off with, but now I certainly am.

"What was I interrupting, exactly?" She bemusedly looks from me to the window and back again.

"My staring."
"Your staring." She slowly lets her grin spread on her face.

"Yes. Can I resume?" I tensely smile and stubbornly look back out of the window, hoping she'll read that as a cue to leave me alone.

I don't really know why I am behaving like this towards Yelena, she certainly doesn't deserve it, yet it feels like my social battery has run out with people suddenly not being dead anymore and others having your part of their history completely erased. I just want to return to my apartment and sit on the floor in the dark and stare out at nothing like I was doing earlier. Now, not even that is an option anymore and I feel like I am slipping slowly closer and closer to some edge I don't know the real effect my falling off it will have. I just can't seem to grab onto anything to keep me from falling. And so, all I long for now is to be left alone for the few, precious moments I have before I am forced to confront Wanda again. Just the thought of her flashing through my mind makes my stomach twist.

And of course, Yelena does not leave me alone.

"No. I am curious." She states simply and I breathe out heavily, looking back at her, admitting defeat. "Why was the FBI after you?"
I hesitate for a minute, wondering whether or not she really is trustworthy. I just met her. But she is Natasha's sister. Whom I have never heard anything of, ever. I narrow my eyes at her, but she just waits patiently, a little smile playing on her lips. Somehow, her honest curiosity wins me over, and I find myself allowing her questioning.

"Because I snuck Wanda out of the Raft." I say, not bothering to elaborate more and Yelena nods, impressed.

"Why?" She probes and, surprised, I find myself going on.

"I don't really know. I guess I- I felt for her."

"You felt for her?" Yelena repeats, her accent rounding my words in a curious way, her eyebrows pulling together in a frown as she tries to understand.

"Yeah, I mean, she helped me and she... she didn't strike me as a bad person." I shrug and smile awkwardly.

"So you stole her out of the Raft and..."
"Well, I didn't steal her." I chuckle slightly at her wording.

"Okay, you took her, then." Yelena rolls her eyes. "And then, what? Why is my sister so intent on finding this witch?"
"Well, you better not call her witch when you see her, she's not too fond of that." I grin and Yelena huffs. "It's because of Hydra. Surely she's told you, no?"

Yelena shrugs and I frown slightly, wondering what exactly she knows or doesn't know, and what exactly has happened to the timeline after Wanda and I messed with it. I glance around me, but no one seems invested in my conversation with Yelena. Darcy is seated a little while away, with her headphones on and beanie pulled low. I'm not sure if she's sleeping or not. And Natasha is at the front, apparently steering the jet as she apparently knows how to do that. Whatever.

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