Chapter 29

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"For the hundredth time -I don't know." I bang my head back against the cold white wall behind me.


"For the hundredth and one time, I don't know." I shut my eyes, the harshness of the fluorescent lights making my head pound annoyingly, and I just wish I could lie down in a dark room.

"Agent, Olivia, if I may?" The man sitting opposite to me switches tactics as if I haven't been trained in exactly this. I hum out my agreement, knowing what he is aiming to do, just wishing he would get on with it if he indeed keeps insisting on being so bad at his job that he cannot tell that I am telling the truth. I, in fact, surprise, do not know where Wanda Maximoff fucked off to so eloquently, fucking me over completely in the process.

"Olivia, how do you explain the glitches in the camera systems, both at headquarters and at the Raft?"

"Do I look like a mechanic?"


"Not really. Maybe you all need to put some money into surveillance. Seems rather lacking to me."
"What part seems lacking to you?" The man asks, and I can literally hear the gears turning in his head, trying to get an in, trying to be the one that figures this all out and leads them to capture Maximoff again.

"Right, you have been at this for seven hours now. I cannot explain it to you. I don't know. If I knew, do you think I'd be sitting here? Do you think that if Maximoff included me in her plans she would have left me behind? You've seen the tapes. She fucks off, and I'm here." I ramble, lifting my head off the wall to look at the man in front of me, pleading with him to understand.

"How do you feel about that?" He asks and I frown, confused.

"How do I feel about what?"

"About being left behind."
I let out a joyless, cold laugh. "Being left behind what, exactly?"

"I think you know exactly what I am talking about, Olivia."

I stare at the man for a while, his observation taking me by surprise. How exactly do I feel? Tired. Achy. Angry. Disappointed. Hurt. I quickly push aside those more... complex emotions. Sure, it sucks that after going to such great lengths to help Wanda out, I don't even get left with a thank you. Then again, maybe I don't deserve any thanks. I was, after all, the one who put Wanda in the Raft. Technically. Maybe through Wanda's eyes, I owed her and merely paid my debt. The thought makes anger well up in me anew. But what debt did I owe her? I was doing my job. I owed nothing to her, she could have left, fled, but she stayed. She stayed. A little voice, annoyingly reminiscent of Maximoff, whispers to me. She stayed, made sure you didn't die, and got caught. You do owe her your life. I snort. But she was the entire reason why my life needed saving, there was absolutely no need to snap my arm in half like a dry branch.

"Seems like there's a lot going on in your mind, Olivia." The man reminds me of his presence and I wet my lips, awkwardly realizing how long I was lost in my thoughts for. "What were you thinking about?"
"How nice it would be to be able to lie down, you know I haven't actually been horizontal in... can't even count how long!" I say, shifting in my seat. The man nods, as if understanding of my predicament, which makes me even more irritable.

"I'm just trying to do my job here."

"Which is what, exactly?" I snap.

"Do figure out what happened. How does someone under maximum security escape from the Raft, infiltrate headquarters, and escape, again." The man muses and crosses his arms, leaning back in his seat, examining me closely.

"You tell me."
"I wasn't there. You were."

"Touché." I give, nodding. "But, as I've been saying for these past, lovely, seven hours. I. Do. Not. Know."

Fire and Smoke - Wanda Maximoff x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now