Chapter 65

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"Get back!"

"Ouch! What the fuck?"

"Sorry, I'm just trying to-"

"No, not you, her! What the fuck is she doing here?" I clarify and stop moving, well, I try to, as much as my drunken body will allow as Wanda's grip on my wrist persists. The room is dark and it's hard to see because of the way the purple flame keeps shifting and twirling around itself, casting its monstrous light on the furniture and our faces.

Fuck, I don't feel great. Great timing getting drunk, Olivia. Classic.

"She is here and she has a name." The black-haired woman sighs impatiently, sounding as though she is explaining something simple to a child.

"Which is?" I snarkily answer her.
"Agatha Harkness. Pleased to meet you again, my dear." Agatha says with what looks like some surprise at the idea that I do in fact not know who she is.
I blink a couple of times, feeling Wanda's fingers around my wrist try to tug me further behind her, away from Agatha. Agatha must've noticed this too, as her eyes, purple flame reflected in them, flit down to our hands for a millisecond before she looks back up at our faces, a knowing grin spread across hers.

"Well, well, well. It did work. Took you long enough."

"What worked?" Wanda snaps impatiently and her fingers accidentally grow hot around my wrist.

"My match-making, obviously." Agatha smiles sweetly. "You two look cute together. She's not as tall as Vis-"
"Shut up." Wanda growls.

"Still hung up on that one?" Agatha asks incredulously. "Wow. Huh, what do I know."

"I'm sorry-" I begin, taking a step forward, still stuck on the fact that Agatha is here. How did she get here?
"Yes, darling?" Agatha looks over at me with a sickly sweet smile that does nothing to quell my unease and the last image I have of her flickers to life in my head.

"Think you forgot to answer my question earlier. What the fuck are you doing here?"

Agatha sighs again and crosses one leg over the other, looking like a very patient cat that is just waiting for the mouse to come out of the hole in the wall. She waves her hand nonchalantly and the purple flame happily soars slightly higher on its own accord and stays there.

"You were taking too long." She simply answers me.

"Too long?" I repeat stupidly and she just blinks. "Too long doing what, exactly?"
"Looks like what is holding you." Agatha smirks and I feel burning in my cheeks and I hope she cannot notice it in the weird purple lighting.

"Stop being funny." My voice is surprisingly steady. I sneak a quick glance at Wanda, who's quiet. She doesn't meet my eyes but keeps staring at Agatha with loathing on her face.

"It was pretty funny, though. Anyway, you were supposed to take a brief visit back, but you seem to be enjoying yourselves a little too much. I wouldn't say I have many flaws, as a person, but I will admit this: I'm slightly impatient, you see. It's my one flaw."

"What do you mean, 'supposed' to visit back?" I shake my head, trying to clear it of the alcohol rushing through my veins, making it terribly difficult to think straight. Agatha isn't helping my slow brain, either. "We came here by accident."
"Do you really think that?" Agatha asks me, slightly surprised.

"I-" I pause and her eyebrows lift slightly. "You?"
"Yes, me. Surprise!" Agatha shakes her hands in a mocking jazzy gesture.

"I knew it! I knew something wasn't right!" I exclaim loudly and turn to Wanda, who breaks her staring and looks up at me, the green in her eyes fighting strongly against the purple. "There was a flash of pain in my head, I'd never felt it before- and my magic!" I trail off, looking back at Agatha.

Fire and Smoke - Wanda Maximoff x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz