Chapter 41

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"Stark, it's Wanda." Wanda stands up next to me as I see Stark's suit touch the ground with a loud dunk!

"Well, Wanda, care to tell me why and more importantly, how you've just blown a hole in the street? I for one thought New York had enough potholes."

I try to stand up, but plonk down onto the cement below again. Wanda shoots me a quick look before she looks back at Stark.

"I've-" Wanda begins, uncertainly, and I realise I never actually told her anything about what it was like to travel back in time, and how no one would know her yet, as they wouldn't have had met her.

Shit. There goes not changing anything.

"Jarvis?" Stark now speaks, still under his helmet and I assume only he can hear whatever it is that his AI is telling him as no audible reply is heard.

"Alright, why don't you come with me, Wanda, and we'll have a little friendly chat, away from any civilians?" Stark speaks and I hear the tension in his voice. "I'd love to hear your take on New York's pothole situation."

Wanda shuffles slightly backwards and I try to speak, to say something to de-escalate the situation, but all I manage to do is cough dryly, the words I was going to use getting stuck in my throat.

"I'm not coming anywhere, she needs attention first." Wanda stubbornly tells Stark.

Shit. Wrong answer.

"Well, little witch, I'm not really asking."

The machinery in Stark's suit starts dully coming to life and I look up and manage to catch the white light in Stark's palm outstretched towards Wanda, standing right above me, her legs in a wide stance.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

"Stark." Wanda warns and whether she knows it or not a small ball of scarlet forms at the tip of her fingers.

I know how it must look to Stark, and how it looks is not great. He must have been alerted somehow of whatever magic Wanda used to get rid of the gang, and here she now is, refusing to comply, hands fucking glowing. Stark must have no idea of her entire existence as I think they would only meet next year in Sokovia.


I force myself up onto my feet, grabbing ahold of Wanda to steady myself, but she's caught off guard and so she stumbles backwards and in an attempt to steady herself her scarlet zooms out in front of her, missing Stark by an inch.


Wanda instinctively pushes me behind her using her scarlet at the same time as she blocks an attack from Stark's suit.


I stumble back, Wanda's scarlet still pushing me back, not harshly but in my current state, I can't keep up so I fall flat onto my back once again, cursing my pitiful state in my head. I need to do something to stop them, to convince Stark Wanda isn't a threat.

"Stark, stop it!" Wanda yells, blocking another one of his beams.

"Then you stop glowing!" Stark yells back.

"Then -you -stop -firing!" Wanda huffs in between blocking with her scarlet, but not attacking Stark back, only shielding herself.

Stark's suit propels him into the air as he first at Wanda, who falls into retreat. I know she's holding back, afraid to damage more of the buildings near us, or inadvertently hurt Stark, or even me. I need to do something; Wanda isn't the best at communicating and Stark's AI is obviously telling him she's a threat.

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