Chapter 58

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"And she's just -what? Cured? Just like that? Cause you say she is?" Stark squints suspiciously looking from Wanda to me, looking like he is waiting for either of us to break and admit that the opposite is true.

"I don't know." I admit and feel everyone's gazes fall on me and it makes me slightly uncomfortable. I shift slightly, feeling as though I am meeting my friends the morning after having been absolutely and completely blackout drunk, not being able to remember what I did or said the night before, just hoping it wasn't as bad as I am imagining.

I feel Wanda's hand nudge against mine just a little. The action helps me feel slightly more grounded and I let out the breath of air I've been holding in. I sneak a glance over at her to my side, and she gives me a tiny smile, telling me she's right here with me.

"You don't know?" Stark repeats my earlier words in a mocking tone. "You don't know if you're just going to suddenly try to kill her again or not?"
"She wouldn't be the first I try to kill." I sarcastically say to him and he rolls his eyes in reply, still not looking nullified whatsoever. It's almost rather cute, how much he is trying to protect Wanda. It just makes me uneasy to no ends to know that he is trying to protect her from me.

"No killing, preferably. Thank you." Natasha pipes in from her position sitting on the kitchen island, popping in sunflower seeds into her mouth, looking unbothered. I haven't missed the way she's kept me under close surveillance ever since Wanda and I joined them in the kitchen, adding to my sense of foreboding. Something is wrong.

"And if there's any killing to be done here, it'll be by me." Natasha continues, popping another seed into her mouth and it crunches between her teeth as she stares at me. Jesus.
She shoots me a look and I raise my eyebrows at her in almost like a challenge of sorts. Try me. I feel Wanda shift slightly against my side and I know she's trying to tell me to calm down, that I'm really not in a position to piss anyone off. I know that, but the way they're treating me... like I'm the bad guy...

"I agree with the no killing." Wanda says and Natasha's eyes flit over to her and then bounce back to me. "We have to give her a chance, how else is she meant to heal?"

Stark lets out a hollow laugh at that.
"With all due respect, you still haven't healed from the stab wound that she gave you!" Stark motions to me wildly and my mouth falls open. What?

"I know, thank you for reminding me -I'd forgotten." Wanda calmly replies with a slight twinge of annoyance in her voice as my stomach drops.

I did what???

Don't worry. I hear Wanda's voice suddenly reverberate in my head, answering my question I hadn't necessarily meant for her to answer.

You're loud. Wanda promptly replies to my train of thought.

What did I do to you? I look at her, horrified.

Wanda meets my eyes, trying to look stoic but I can read her too well and notice the slight look of guilt on her face. Her hand brushes against mine again, but this time the motion doesn't ground me but rather makes me feel almost worse than before.


"So, what is our game plan?" Natasha asks, bringing everyone's attention back on her.

My eyes don't leave Wanda though as I continue to stare at her profile, horrified. Stabbed her? What on earth was Stark on about? Surely I couldn't have -but it does explain Wanda's gingerly way of moving around and the way a little curtain of pain would descend across her features every once in a while. Is that because of me?

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