Chapter 54

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The voice in my head went quiet after that interaction and didn't return all afternoon, no matter how much I kept expecting it to. I spend my time going through my cargo pants, finding that all of my pockets have been emptied; I have no weapons left. Not even my tiny knife. Annoying, but no matter, I can still throw a mean punch.

With nothing to do and just a weird sense of emptiness without that strange voice, I stalk around the small holding cell, feeling quite over always being locked up like an animal no matter where I am. The mission with the Winter Soldier had felt so freeing in comparison. All that open space to do what I wanted with -the fresh air... Just the fact that he treated me like an actual human being was enough for me to for the first time feel anything other than fear, confusion, and pain.

Just as I honestly feel like I am beginning to lose my sanity, the thousands of questions whirling around my skull making being confined like this unbearable and I feel my chest begin to constrict, something happens that makes me stop dead in my tracks.

A soft, warm feeling spreads through my body. At first, I look down at myself in confusion, almost expecting myself to be submerged in a warm, relaxing bath. I'm not though, obviously. I'm still clad in the black clothes Hydra supplied me with, standing in Stark's very much dry cell. I look around, but nothing has changed. I'm alone, and yet it strangely feels like I'm not. My chest has forgotten that it's trying to press all of the air out of my lungs and I take long, deep breaths.

That's better.

It's that voice again, echoing in my skull. The voice is calm and the best way I can describe it is to liken it to honey. However relaxing it feels to listen to, a small pit of fear brews in me. Did the chair do more damage than I thought? Did it somehow split my personality or something, rendering me even more broken than I thought?

You're not broken. The voice speaks again, lulling me with a sense of comfort I haven't felt before.

Great, it's a friendly split personality. Does that make me the bad one out of the two of us?

That's debatable. The voice responds to my thinking, a slight feeling of guilt washing over me.

What's happening? I look around, feeling utterly strange focusing this attention much inwards. A small wave of sadness overcomes me, and I get a strange feeling of the emotion being separate from me.

I don't know. The voice sounds sad, a little hesitant even.

I shake my hands slightly, resuming my stalking around the cell, trying to get rid of the strange emotions of sadness and guilt I'm feeling.

Wait. I stop suddenly, a new realization overcoming me. Hydra told me about her abilities. 'Clear your head' , the Winter Soldier had warned me. Maximoff.

A slight twinge of hesitation overcomes me, and now I can tell it isn't my emotion. It must be hers.

I look around again, half expecting to be met with scarlet eyes. I ball my hands into fists, ready to defend myself.

I'm sorry. The voice speaks, and I now recognize it as Maximoff's voice. She sounds small and tired, but I don't feel any sympathy.

Get out of my head, witch. I think angrily, hoping she feels my emotions just as she's forcing me to feel hers.


"No!" I burst out, angrily, before a feeling of panic overcomes me. "Who -what? No, no no, I -I can't-"
My chest begins to constrict again and I'm gulping in air without feeling like I'm getting any oxygen. My head feels like I'm back in the chair, trying to grasp onto anything in order to not be washed away with the current.

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