chapter two.

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"Daddddddd," I whine as I open the door to his classroom. He doesn't look up from the papers on his desk as I walk into the room. I walk over to the floor space between the desks and his and flop down on the ground. He finally looks up at me and raises a brow. "When's the first Hogsmede weekend?" I ask.

He shakes his head and goes back to working on his papers. "Not for a few more weeks."

I groan. "Why though? I need to do something. I can't sit around, you know that."

He shrugs. "I can't control that, Lily." He pauses. "And trust me, I know that you can't sit still. I learned that when the police showed up at our doorstep with you all bloodied and bruised."

Ah. That was a fun night. We were originally supposed to go and spend the night in the jail, me and my muggle friends. We had gotten sent to the jail for a night so many times, we knew everyone in there. The officers and the inmates. Arson that time. Which is major jail time. Yet, we didn't get sentenced because they only thing they could prove is that we had lighters on us. Oops.

"Pffff," I wave him off. "That bitch deserved her house to be set on fire."



The door opens slowly. Dad and I both look over at the door as Riddle walks in. He glances around the room, his eyes landing on me laying on the floor before looking over at my dad. "Professor Snape," he says, walking over to his desk. I rolls my eyes.

I want to punch him in the face right now—



"Mr. Riddle," Dad says, looking up at Riddle as he stops at the side of his desk. "What is it that you need?"

"Dumbledore told me to come here because he wanted me to talk to you. Said that you would have my schedule," Riddle says, glancing down at me before looking back at my father.

Dad moves his chair back and stands up. "Stay here a moment. I need to get the copy of your schedule from Professor McGonagall. I have yet to get it," he says, starting towards the door. Before he opens it, he turns to me. "Remember the rules, Lilith," he says before walking out.

"You got it!" I shout after him. I sigh and sit up on my elbows. "What the hell are you doing in here, Riddle?" I ask.

He walks over to one of the desks and sits on it. He shrugs. "I just said why."

"I don't believe you."


"Because you don't seem trustworthy."

"You seem like a bitch."

"Bite me, Riddle."


The door opens and we both look over as my dad strides in with his dramatic cape flowing behind him. He gives a piece of paper to Riddle and nods for the door. Riddle nods, tells him thank you, and starts towards the door.

I go back on my back as Dad walks to his desk and sits down. "So, Dad," I say. "I was thinking that I could order some spraypaint-"

"You're not vandalizing school property," he cuts me off.

"But it's just a little thing on the Gryffindor common room! I mean, come on, half of those Gryffindors are more cocky than Draco and me combined."

He shakes his head and goes back to writing on his papers. "Order some books, Lily."

"Muggle books?"

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