chapter four.

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"What are we talking about?" I ask, sitting down at our table for dinner.

"Oh, just how insane you are," Blaise says.

I grab a goblet and shrug. "Insanity runs in my family. It practically gallops."

"You say that like it's a good thing," Draco mumbles, still looking like shit.

"We're all a little mad, aren't we?" I ask, taking a sip from the goblet. "You still look like shit."

"I feel like shit, you bitch."

"Still an angry ferret, I see."

"Fuck off."

I laugh into my drink as Blaise elbows my side.

Detention already?

I sigh, glancing at my dad. He raises his brows at me.

Did Blobfish tell you?

Blobfi- Professor Umbridge?


I can hear his laugh, and see him trying to not laugh out loud.

Yes, she did inform me. You need to not do that in her class. All your other teachers may get how you are, but she does not.

Then she'll just have to learn.

I shut him out yet again.


I have detention at seven. Here I am, knocking on Umbridge's office door waiting for the pink bitch to open the damn door.

Finally the door opens. "In you go," she says, gesturing for me to enter the room. I walk in the room. I left my robes in my dorm, and she eyes where they're supposed to be.

"Sit," she says, pointing to a desk next to hers. I scan the room. Everything is pink. The walls, the floor, the door, the desks, the curtains, the filing cabinet, the cat plates on the walls.

I walk over to the desk and sit down, waiting for her to come over and tell me what to do. The fucking paper is pink too. Mercy. Please. I might die for being overwhelmed.

"You will be writing 'i must not disrespect'," she explains, standing in front of the desk I'm sitting at. I nod and go to grab a quill from my bag. She shakes her head. "You'll be using one of my quills," she says, leaning over her desk to grab a pink quill. She sets in near my hand. "This quill doesn't use ink."

She turns and walks towards the window. "How many times?" I ask.

She pauses, and turns slightly to me. "However long it takes for the message to sink in."


I grab the quill and start writing. She was right, it writes without ink. Except the ink is red. Is that because she wanted a fucking shade of pink as her fucking ink?

No, it is not.

That's fucking nice.

My hand started tingling, then it started burning. It felt as if someone was cutting open my hand. Turns out, that's almost exactly what is happening.

As we speak, the words 'i must not disrespect' are being etched into my skin. Blood is being drawn.

Umbridge watches me intently, trying to find emotion on my face. Lucky for me, I managed to master the no emotion years ago.


After two and a half hours, she finally tells me I can leave. It's passed curfew. She won't even write me a pass in case Filch sees me. Bitch.

two can keep a secret,Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang