chapter thirty.

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I'm covered in some of the most comfortable blankets ever. The spot next to me is semi-warm, like someone was there a little bit ago but got up.

Then I remember.




It felt good.

It felt really good.

And I fucking hate that.

I really hope people had already left for the holidays before they could— hear anything. Because that would be fucking embarrassing.

The bathroom door opens and Riddle walks out with a towel wrapped around his waist. His top half is bare, and his hair is wet. Oh my fucking god.

I remember seeing the scars on his chest last night, but now I can see them better. They're small, most of them, all over his torso.

"You're awake," he says, glancing at me.

I look away from him and nod into the blankets. "Yeah," I mumble, trying to wrap a blanket around me.

I have one of his shirts on, which I don't really remember putting on afterwards, but whatever.

He runs his hand through his hair as he goes over to his dresser to get clothes. "This changes nothing between us," he says, "Right?"

I shake my head and start to stand up, leaning against the bed for support at first. "Uh— yeah. Nothing changes. It'll be like nothing happened."

He nods and turns back to the bathroom, not bother to close the door when he starts changing. I turn my back to him and get dressed, grabbing his shirt and folding it before setting it on the bed.

I grab my bag and slip out the door.

What the hell was I thinking?

What the hell was I thinking?

With fucking Riddle of all people.


After I get dressed, I head down to the Great Hall.

He comes in a few minutes later, and sits down next to me. We do not speak a word.


There's a lot of tension right now, Lilith.

I roll my eyes.

Draco and Blaise keep us from killing each other.

I bet they do.

I shut Dad out and pick at a piece of toast boredly.

"What did you get the others for Christmas?" he asks, obviously trying to break the tension.

"Shut the fuck up."

He glares at me. "Don't tell me what to do."

"I want to set you on fire."

I hate him. So, so much.

"Feeling's mutual."

My everything hurts. Especially my legs. I hate him for that too.

After a moment, he says, "I thought we agreed that nothing changes here."

"Yeah, nothing has changed. We just pretend we tolerate each other for Blaise and Draco's sake," I say, drinking from my goblet.

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