chapter thirty-three.

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(a/n: really short one, i'm sorry. i'm lazy and this is kind of a filler)


When I woke up on Christmas morning, I opened my presents at the end of my bed. Riddle knocked on the door sometime after I had gotten dressed, and we walked down to breakfast.

I threw a piece of toast at him.

He threw eggs at me.

Dad came over to us as we were trying not to laugh while still throwing food at each other and told us to stop. I could tell he thought it was funny though.

For the days following, we would sit in the common room and drink hot chocolate and play board games until we were sick of it all.

I think the Slytherins that did stay back were confused by our sudden having fun while still bickering constantly.

And on New Year's Eve, we ran out of things to do.

Like we completely ran out of things to do.

So we went to his dorm again. And we— *sigh* — yeah. Me letting him fuck me is really feeding his ego.

The rest of break went by in a blur.

Everyone is back, and we're in the common room. I'm reading a book while the boys talk.

Blaise is next to me, Draco across from me, and Riddle is diagonal from me.

"No, because we all know that Lilith is the only virgin in this group," Blaise says, gesturing around the four of us.

I raise my brows while looking down. Riddle tries to stifle a laugh and fails, earning a look from Blaise and Draco.

"You never told me you were a virgin," Riddle says, looking at me.

"I didn't think it mattered," I say, flipping my page slowly.

I wouldn't have gone so hard on you if I had known.

Maybe I wanted you to go hard.

Did you now?

When I look over at him, his brows are raised. I roll my eyes and look back at my book.

Draco and Blaise look confused.


"Wait," Blaise says, "You are still a virgin, right?"

I shrug. "Maybe."

"Holy shit, Lil," Draco says, raising his brows.

"What?" I ask. "Is it that unbelievable?"

Draco shakes his head. "No, just—" Blaise pauses. "Who?"

I chuckle. "That's none of your business."

"Is it someone in this room?" he asks.

God, not this game.

"I'm not answering that question."

"He is!"

"How do you know it's not a girl?" I ask, raising a brow at him.

"Was it a girl?"


"Okay, standards now. We know you wouldn't lose it to just anyone."

Way to feed Riddle's ego.

Blaise hums to himself. "Probably older than us, or the same age. Probably older than at least you. I don't think you would go for anyone without dark hair. I mean, you definitely wouldn't go for someone with Draco's snow hair."

"Fuck off, Zabini," Draco mutters.

"They're probably hot or cute. Can probably take your sarcasm every now and then."

He's close.

Shut the fuck up, Riddle.

Blaise gasps. "You didn't go back to the shithead, did you?"

I scoff. "No, I'd go to Riddle before I went to him. And that's saying something."

Obviously not.

Fuck you.

You can anytime. Just give me a call.

I hate you.


"I'm going to find out who you fucked."

"Have fun with that, Blaise."

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