chapter twenty.

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Oops. I did it again.

I got detention with Umbitch. We got into another heated argument.

She said that Voldemort is not back, and won't be coming back. I said that that part didn't matter.

"It doesn't matter if he is dead and not coming back," I said. "As I've said before, he still has followers out there that haven't changed their morals. Things can change in a matter of seconds."

"What do you think you know?" she had asked rudely.

I shrugged. "Grindelwald was one of the most dangerous and powerful wizards ever known. He went in search for the deathly hallows, and rises to power along the way—"

"Ms. Snape, I hardly this this has anything to do with—"

"He disappeared for years. Years later, Voldemort rose to power, becoming another one of the most dangerous wizards. And—"

"Ms. Snape!"

"Who's to say another dangerous wizard won't come to power while we're still alive? Maybe while we're still in school. We don't know if Voldemort is really dead or not."

"Detention, Ms. Snape!"

People looked horrified or like they were actually thinking on what I had said. Riddle raised his brows at me, but looked impressed. Now that's something.

I hit the top of the doorframe with my bad hand as I leave her office. It makes it sting like a bitch, but the sound of annoyance from her makes it worth it.

I pass Potter in the hallway. He got detention with Umbridge yesterday. I pat his shoulder with my bad hand. He looks at me weirdly before looking at my hand and furrowing his brows.

"Yeah, have fun with that one, Potter," I say and walk off.

He stands there and watches me leave, his brows still furrowed. I shake my head, grabbing some wrap from my bag before wrapping my hand up.

I turn a corner and almost run into someone. I see they're feet and move out of the way.


I stop and turn when I hear Warrington's voice. "Oh," I say, smiling small, "hey."

"Um," he scratches the back of his neck, "I wanted to talk to you really quick."

"Okay, what is it?" I ask.

He clears his throat. "I heard about what happened in your Defense class today."

I furrow my brows. "Yeah? I got detention, that's where I was coming from. It was just one of me and Umbridge's arguments we have every other day. No big deal."

"It's not that," he says, shaking his head. "I heard you defended Potter, saying You-Know-Who might be back."

I move my head back and shake it. "Yeah, I also told her there could be other dark wizards in the future. We don't actually know what's going to happen. You gotta expect the unexpected."

"Yeah," he laughs nervously.

"You okay?" I ask, stepping closer to him. "You're acting weird."

He shakes his head. "No, everything's fine. I just don't want you defending Potter."

"I'm not going to stop saying what I think just because Potter thinks the same thing. I don't enjoy him either, but I'm not changing my morals because he has some of the same."

"Okay," he says after a moment of hesitation. He leans down and kisses my cheek. "I'll see you later, Babe."


I shake my head and start down the hallway, messing with the wrap on my hand.

"That was a tense conversation."

I jump slightly, stopping my messing with the wrap as Riddle starts walking next to me. "Christ, Riddle. Why do you do that?"

"I like to see you on edge."

"Okay," I say, glancing at him. "Then why do you eavesdrop on my conversations?"

"I have to torture myself every now and then," he says, shrugging.

"Are my conversations that boring?" I ask, turning my head to look at him, tilting my head slightly.

"Not that," he says. "The way people talk and look at you."

The light hits something on the ground and I stop, putting my arm out in front of Riddle. He stops and raises a brow at me. "Don't move," I whisper, grabbing my Defense book from my bag.

I hold the book out in front of me. "Curse the lighting, boys," I say, dropping the book on the piece of string strung across the floor.

As soon as the book hits the string, pink smoke comes at it from all angles. The smoke disappears and my book is completely pink, even the pages. Riddle furrows his brows in confusion.

I grab my book as two people groan. Fred and George come from behind two pillars with semi-defeated looks on their faces.

"You're no fun, Babes," George whines, walking over to us.

Fred shakes his head and looks between the two of us. "So, you two together yet or what?"

"Ew," we both say at the same time.

George snickers at Fred. "No, Im getting those Galleons from Harry and Ron at some point," Fred says. "I bet a lot of money on this shit."

"What shit?" Riddle asks and the twins freeze, looking at each other with small smirks.

"Nothing," Fred says.

George starts gathering everything that they used. "We should put this in Malfoy's hair gel." He looks over at us suspiciously and slowly starts to back away with Fred. "You heard nothing."

"We heard nothing," I agree.

George smiles at me and nods before the two of them take off running down the hall.

We start walking again in silence.

"Has Warrington asked you to the ball yet?" he asks. "It's getting closer. There's only about a month left."

I shake my head. "Not yet. Have you asked anyone?"

This is so awkward like the fuck?

"No, I haven't. Truth be told, I don't think I'll be going with anyone as a date."

"Really?" I ask, raising my brows. He nods. "What about Astoria?"

"Too annoying."


"Pretty sure she has a crush on Blaise."

"Tracey Davis?"

"More annoying than the younger Greengrass."


"Already has a date."

"Sally-Anne Perks?"

"Also has a date. Ravenclaw kid."

That's a little surprising. She never goes for anyone that's not Slytherin.




"What's with you and the Gryffindors?"

"Fine. Abbott?"

"If I was taking anyone, they would have to be a Slytherin."

I sigh. "Well, picky ass, it looks like you're shit out of luck."

"I guess I am."

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