chapter thirty-seven.

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"The Ministry believes that the people of this country are in fear of what might happen in the future, Mr. Potter," Umbridge says. "This is why the curriculum has changed so you are better equipped to face—"

"We aren't afraid of what might happen in the future," I say loudly. She stops talking and everyone looks back at me. Riddle gives me a warning look, glancing down at my left hand. My hands are clasped together on the desk and I'm looking directly forward.

"Ms. Snape, you do not speak out of turn."

"I'm just telling the truth," I say, pausing as I look down at her. "Professor. Since the things the Ministry is telling you to tell us is making us all lose common sense and brain cells."

She giggles and shakes her head. "Well then, Ms. Snape, if the people aren't afraid of the future, than what are they afraid of?"

I don't move in my seat. "The Ministry." People gasp because god forbid anyone tells the truth around here. Riddle grabs my thigh, hoping to get my attention. He would have succeeded too if it weren't for the fact that that would give his hand being on me away, and I would seem distracted.

Umbridge looks offended. "And why would they be afraid of the Ministry?"

"It's a fucked up place."

"Snape," Riddle whispers. I ignore him.

"Ms. Snape—"

"It's funny how afraid of governments people are. People should not be afraid of their governments. Governments should be afraid of their people."

"Ms. Snape, you are speaking lies—"

"The truth is, there is something terribly wrong with this country, isn't there?"

"Detention, Ms. Snape!"

I smirk, and her face drops slightly. Riddle removed his hand from my leg and shakes his head. I know he's trying to not chuckle.


My hand is bleeding when I walk into the common room. People are in there normal places, like any other day. I ignore them, trying to cover my hand as I walk to the stairs.

"Ah, ah, ah."

I sigh and stop walking, turning to Riddle as he walks towards me. He leans against the wall and raises his brow. "Do I need to patch you up for once?" he asks, nodding to my hand.

"It's fine," I say. "I can patch myself up, Riddle. You forget who knows first aid."

"Hey, I've learned a few things from you. Just let me."

I look at the stairs, then to the people on the couches, then back to him. "Yeah, okay, whatever."

"You got the kit with you?" he asks.

"It's in my dorm."

"Ok. Go get it, I'll be up in a minute."

I nod and start up the stairs, going to my dorm and grabbing the first aid kit. He's leaning against his doorframe when I get to his dorm. He moves out of the way and gestures for me to sit down at the desk. Once I walk in and sit down, he closes and locks the door before coming over to me.

He starts rifling through the first aid kit.

"Why do you always have to get detention with her?" he asks, putting things out on the desk.

"I'm bored."

"So you torture her and yourself?" He turns his head slightly.

"Pretty much," I say. He shakes his head and looks back to the desk. "If you don't speak your mind, no one knows any different from what is being taught. People need to have more options. If I have to get words carved into my hand for the rest of my life because of that, so be it."

He grabs my wrist and brings my hand closer to him. He starts cleaning it. I know he's trying to be gentle.

"Montague was thinking of throwing a party after testing is over," He says after a minute. "He thought it would be a good reward. And we could have one at the end of the year. His exact words were 'we all want to get the fuck out of here, so let's party our way out.'"

"Are you going to those?" I ask as he grabs some wrap.

"Of course I am," he says, wrapping the wrap around my hand. "Are you?"

I shrug. "Sure, why not?"

He starts putting the things back in the kit. "Maybe we could do some last minute studying for those owls?"

"Are you just asking me if I want to have sex right now?"

He shakes his head. "I was asking if you wanted to study. But if you were thinking of other things, I wouldn't deny an invitation."

"You're an idiot, you know that right?"

"That's disrespectful," he scolds jokingly. "I think I definitely have to punish you now."

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