chapter twenty-eight.

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"I got a fucking hour of sleep, and I will kill anyone that looks at me wrong," I say when I sit down at the breakfast table. I'm surprised I even woke up.

Riddle looks like he's going to pass out from lack of sleep, while the other two look perfectly fine.

"You two stayed out late last night," Blaise says, shoving food in his mouth.

I put my head on the table. "The sun was rising when we went our separate ways, so I guess it was a little late," I mumble sarcastically.

"Quote of the day?" Draco asks, sipping his pumpkin juice while reading from the daily prophet.

"Number one," I say, looking up at him and pointing, "You look like a middle aged mother." Blaise almost chokes on his food and Riddle snickers into his goblet, also almost choking on that. Draco scowls at me and I put my head back down on the table.

"I think I was in a mental institution in my past life."

Blaise snorts.

"Who's going home for the holidays?" I ask, picking my head up and putting it in my hand.

Blaise sighs, "Meeee. Yayyy." He pauses and shakes his head. "At least I get fucking cookies. Maybe I'll die from eating too many."

Draco flips a page in the Daily Prophet. "Mother and father insist on me going back to the Manor."

I turn to Blaise and point at Draco as he flips the page again and takes a sip from his goblet. "Middle aged mother," I whisper quietly. Draco rolls his eyes and rolls up the newspaper, hitting me with it. "Ow," I say, glaring at him. "You little bitch." He sneers and goes back to reading.

"What are you two doing for the holidays?" Blaise asks.

I shrug. "I can't really go anywhere. Dad's staying here, so I am too. It's not like I have a mother I can go to." They all go silent. "Oh my god, laugh about it. Why do you think I'm more 'I don't give a fuck' than 'oh, please excuse me, my dear. I truly am sorry'?" I ask.

Blaise smirks. "Because you have tea with McGonagall every week."

Draco nods. "He's not wrong."

"Blah, blah, blah. I know."

We all turn to Riddle and he shrugs. "I don't want to see my dad."

The three of us nod. Right. Awkward.


I'm sitting in a study hall room connected to the library, reading a muggle book. Draco and Blaise are bickering over something stupid for homework, and Riddle is next to me, reading a textbook.

Dad is standing behind Draco and Blaise, a composition book in front of him. He's pretending that he's not listening in on conversations, and failing miserably.

I glare at Blaise and Draco. "If you two don't shut the fuck up, this book is going to become a lethal weapon."

That shuts them up really quick. They resort to whispering so quiet they can hardly hear themselves.

Terry Boot, a Ravenclaw sits down next to me. He sits and stares at me, waiting for me to acknowledge him.

The boys look at him weirdly as he does not move.

"Stop staring at me, Boot," I say, flipping the page in my book.

"Why's that?" he asks.

I set my book down on the table and turn to him. "Because if you don't stop, I will gauge your fucking eyes out. Got it?" I turn back and pick my book back up like nothing happened.

He looks horrified. Riddle smirks to himself. Blaise tries to stifle a laugh behind his hand. Draco looks away and tries to not smile.

Dad lets out a laugh behind his notebook.

"Ten points to Slytherin," he says, pointing to me before walking away while trying not to laugh.

Boot gets up and leaves fast, trying to avoid me. Good. He's annoying as fuck.

A moment later, Perks sits next to Riddle. I roll my eyes as he ignores her.

She puts her finger on his shoulder and trails it down his arm. He looks at her finger disguisted, like he really wants to cut it off.

"Hey, Mattheo," she says, batting her lashes. I roll my eyes again. Try hard? He raises a brow at her. "I'm bored, and you look bored." She leans closer to him to whisper in his ear, but she knows us three also hear. "I thought we could go to the dorms and have some fun." She sticks out her bottom lip. "Please?"

I flip my page loudly.

"I have work to do," he says, trying to shrug her off.

"But, we could have so much fun."

"No, we aren't going to."

I turn to her, cutting her off. "Look, Perks, he said no. Take the fucking answer as it is and try again later. You're being an annoying bitch. And I just threatened to gauge Boot's eyes out, I will pour cement in your fucking ears."

She looks more horrified than Boot did. Riddle shakes his head. As soon as she leaves, Blaise and Draco start laughing.

"Damn, Lil," Draco says, shaking his head and smiling.

"You woke up and chose violence," Blaise says, smiling at me.

"I'm going to snap the neck of the next person to come and talk to us," I grumble, trying to read again.

Draco goes to say something and I cut him off.

"Let me rephrase. I will snap the neck of the next person that talks."

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