chapter forty-three.

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✨da dwess✨

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da dwess

I haven't drank this whole party. I don't feel like it. Which you would think would be weird considering it's my last night at Hogwarts until next year. I'm planning on drinking, or smoking. Just later.

I'm sitting on the couch, in my normal spot of course, as music blares and the lights flash everywhere. There are three, sometimes four, really big parties in the Slytherin common room every year. The first party to start off the year, the first quidditch win, the last quidditch game (also normally a win), and the night before we get out of here. Our parties are superior to all the other houses.

I lean back into the couch cushion, still sitting up relatively straight with my right leg over the other. My arms are crossed over my upper stomach. And a bunch of people are sitting around me, talking.

Daphne is sitting diagonal from me on the other couch. Nott is in the love seat, making out with Parkinson. Perks, Davis, and the other Greengrass are sitting on the same couch as Daphne.

"Lil!" Daphne shouts over the music. She's really drunk right now. "So, are you and Mattheo dating yet?" she asks loudly.

I shake my head, sitting up a little more. "No," I say loudly, "We're not dating." I'm going to lose my voice if I have to keep yelling like this.

Astoria, who is directly in front of me, leans forward. "Do you like him?" she shouts.

I shake my head again. "No, I don't like him."

Everyone's eyes go right behind me. I have no time to turn around before someone is gripping my neck, the ring stinging my skin from how cold it is. "Fuck," I say quietly.

I'm in deep shit.


His index finger goes to the space under my chin, and he moves my head so I'm looking up at him. His free hand is in my hair and he tugs it back, so I have to open my mouth.

He leans down and the alcohol from his mouth goes into mine. He leans back. "Swallow." I swallow it. "Good girl," he says, and then leans down to my ear. "We're doing rounds again tonight." Then he leaves.

This man—


Pucey's arms are around my waist, and I have a red cup in my hand. I haven't drank that much, but my head his buzzing and the lights are getting a little blurry.

The music is so loud that I can't hear myself breath. But that's okay, it's fun. I'm having fun.

We're shouting words that neither of us can make out, and we're swaying to the music together. His arms tighten around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I take sips of my drink every now and then, my arms wrapped around his neck.

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