chapter fifteen.

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Montague comes through the common room yelling at everyone to shut the hell up while waving a paper around.

"We're all good sports here, okay?" he says loudly. "Unless we're playing against the Gryffindicks. Then you can be assholes all you want, I don't give a shit about them. But this is our quidditch team for the year." He walks over to the bulletin and takes the try out sheet off. He switches it with the new sheet and then turns back to everyone. "We'll set up a party for all people fifth year and up unless you are younger and made the team."

When he steps away, people stand up and walk over to the board to see who made it. Pansy and I nod to each other and stand up, waiting for them to come over.

Draco comes over with a smile on his face. I hit him on the head lightly, pushing him towards Pansy.

Warrington comes over and hugs me. He's smiling, so he obviously made it. I lean up slightly, seeing as he isn't much taller than me, and kiss his cheek. He smiles at me and goes to sit next to Nott.

Blaise has a stupid smile on his face. He picks me up and we hug as he spins once. Damn he's happy.

"Good job, Whore," I say.

"Thanks, Bitch," he says, a smile in his voice. He lowers his voice to a whisper in my ear as he still hugs me tightly. "Mattheo made it."

"He did?" I ask.

"Yeah, he did. He's fucking good."

I nod as we let go of each other. He walks over to the others and hive fives and hugs them. I sigh and walk over to where Riddle is now leaning up against the wall next to the window facing the Black Lake.

I lean on the wall, now facing him. He raises a brow. "Well?" I say, raising my brows at him. "I'm waiting."

He shakes his head and chuckles. "I made it," he says bluntly.

I gasp, putting my hands over my heart. "You didn't! Really?" I ask dramatically. He shakes his head and nods.

We sit in awkward silence for a minute before I try to break it.

"Well, you're going to have to come to Hogsmede with us. You'll get free Butterbeer from me. I was planning on buying you guys something at Honeydukes too. Of course, you'll have to tell me what candy you like. I wouldn't want to get anyone the wrong kind of candy or anyth-"

"Snape, you're rambling."


I look at the ground and he starts laughing, shaking his head. I chuckle, running my hand through my hair.

"You should come to the party too. Montague told me it's tomorrow night. Everyone can go to Hogsmede and then we have dinner and get ready and then the party," I say, starting to walk away. "And, if you come, have some fun, will you?"

"Why should I have fun?" he asks as I walk backwards so I'm still facing him.


He hides a smile and shakes his head, turning back to the window.

"What was that about?" Warrington asks as I join them again, pointing to Riddle.

I look at him and shrug. "I was congratulating him. Is that okay?"

He looks at me for a second, hesitating. "Yeah— I mean, yeah, obviously."

There's a loud pop from behind Warrington. We both look to where it came from. Blaise is holding a champagne bottle in the air. He cheers and I hear Draco accio a bunch of champagne glasses.

"Every damn person in this room better come over here and get champagne, or I will hunt you the fuck down," Blaise says loudly. A tray of champagne glasses floats into the room and slowly drops onto the table. "Lils! Help me, would you?"

I nod and walk over to him as he starts pouring and people gather around. I start handing out the full glasses to anyone that wants them. Draco keeps using accio to get more when we need it. Soon enough, everyone has a glass, even Riddle.

Our expanded group sits on the couches and loveseat and floor, drinking our champagne and laughing about literally nothing. None of us are drunk, we're just hyper and giggly. Blaise unwrapped two small brownies, taking one for himself and giving me the other. So, now we're high. And he acts like I didn't know they were weed brownies.

I don't exactly remember how me and Blaise began standing in front of everyone with copies of Romeo and Juliet in hand, acting them out, but here we are.

And I guess we're on act two, scene two. And Blaise is Juliet.

"Tis almost morning," Blaise says in that weird accent. "I would have thee gone— and yet no farther than a wanton's bird. That lets it hop a little from his hand, like a poor prisoner in his twisted gyves. And with a silken thread plucks it back again. So loving—jealous of his liberty."

"I would," I say. "I were thy bird."

"Sweet, so would I. Yet I should kill thee with much cherishing. Good night, good night! Parting is such sweet sorrow that I shall say good night till it be morrow."

"Sleep dwell upon thine eyes, peace in thy breast. Would I were sleep and peace, so sweet to rest. Hence will I to my ghostly friar's close cell, his help to crave and my dear hap to tell."

Apparently, now I'm dead. I think we skipped a few acts, but it's fine. Blaise goes over and beyond to pick me up and drop me on top of the table. I flip him off and he scolds me to stay in character.

"Yea, noise?" Blaise asks. "Then I'll be brief." He pretends to grab something from my hands. "O happy dagger, this is thy sheath." He dramatically pretends to stab himself in the heart. "There rust and let me die."

Everyone claps as he bows. Blaise grabs my hand and hauls me off the table. We start laughing as my head hits his shoulder. "Wherefore art thou, Romeo?" we both say at the same time, causing us to laugh even more. The others probably think we're crazy, but this isn't anything new.

We're all crazy; some of us more than others.

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