chapter six.

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I switched the bandages on my hand, they were getting more blood on them. If I use my hand at breakfast, they'll all know something is up.

"Quote of the day?" Blaise asks as I sit down in my spot.

"'I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.'"

"Oprah?" Draco asks, furrowing his brows.

"Edgar Allan Poe," Riddle mutters, grabbing a piece of toast and taking a bite from it.

I turn to him as Blaise wraps his arm around my shoulder. "How many muggles do you know?"

He shrugs, "He's decently popular in the muggle world, is he not?"

"I think we need tequila at that party tomorrow," Blaise says.

"What, so you two and screw more boys?" Draco asks.

I point at him. "Men are revolting."

"Merlin have mercy, amen," Blaise nods.


As soon as Umbridge walked into the room and saw my bandaged hand, a look of satisfaction cane across her face. Oh how I would love to wipe that look from her face.

Apparently, Riddle could see that I wanted to kill her because he put his hand on mine. I look at him and he nods to the quill in my hand, which is about to snap. I drop the quill and he lets go of my hand.

"Flip to page nineteen and read," Umbridge says once she steps to the very front of the room. "Then, discuss with your partner."

I inwardly groan. Seriously?

I skim the text. I don't actually read anything of it.

"We're supposed to discuss this now," Riddle whispers.

"She can kiss my ass and go to hell."


The rest of our classes were boring.

Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Nott, Crabbe, Goyle, Daphne, and I are sitting around the table by the fire. I'm trying to teach them how to play The Game of Life. They still can't seem to understand that you're supposed to grab an action card and keep it.

"No, Pansy," I say. "You keep the card. It gives you money at the end and helps you win."

"Oi! Warrington!" Blaise shouts across the common room. Riddle rolls his eyes from his spot against the wall near the window to the Black Lake.

Warrington looks over at us and smiles before coming over. "What is it, Zabini?" he asks, coming over to me and rubbing my shoulder before walking over to Blaise.

"You getting the good shit for tomorrow?" Blaise asks.

Draco looks at him like he's just lost his mind. "'The good shit'?"

"Blaise, hun, you forget that Draco can't handle alcohol," I say, handing Pansy another Action card.

Draco sneers at me. "I can handle my alcohol just fine."

I snicker and start shuffling the pile of discarded Action cards. "Apparently not."

Draco grabs Nott's car from its place in the board and chuck sit at me. I duck out of the way before glaring at him. "You dick."




"Fuckface with bad hair."

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