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Waking up the next morning, you groaned at the soreness from the multiple fails yesterday

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Waking up the next morning, you groaned at the soreness from the multiple fails yesterday.

However thinking back on it, you couldn't help but smile at the fact that you can successfully now do a backflip.

With the help of Sero.

You are confident that it will get there one day.

Probably in the far future.

Getting out of bed, you got ready leaving your tie on loosely around your neck.

Grabbing your bag, you open the door to see Sero already standing there, "I thought we were meeting at your door?"

Holding his hand out for you to grab, he smiled, "I wanted to see you sooner."

Taking his hand, you turned to close the door, hiding the smile on your face, "Smooth Hanta."

The boy just shrugged his shoulders, pulling you along as he walked to the elevator, "Your tie."

This time it was your turn to shrug, "It was chocking me."

Walking past the room next to yours, you noticed the light was out meaning they had already left. Your room was right next to Mina. This made you sneaking to her room a lot easier.

This was because you had a hard time sleeping most of the time. Usually you would go over to Mina and you both would just hang out.

At first you were hesitant, not wanting to bother the girl, but she insisted. She told you that she liked talking to you and rarely went to sleep at a normal time anyway.

The short walk to the school, was filled with a comfortable silence with you and Sero still hand in hand.

Reaching the entrance, you saw a few of the girls and decided to go talk with them.

Seeing that you were heading to the girls, Sero pulled you back slightly, "I have to head to the classroom early, so go on without me."

You frowned, not wanting to make him walk alone, "Are you sure? I can always talk to them another time."

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