Chapter 1

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Thalia P.O.V.

I was walking alongside Lady Artemis, Goddess of the Hunt, as we followed the trail of our target. Artemis had come back from a meeting, telling the hunters that the gods had sensed a massive Surge of Power Coming from somewhere in Arizona; and that we were ordered by my Father Zeus to Track it down and find out what had created such a strong Burst of Power. We Came out of the woods, finding ourselves in a clearing surrounded by trees, and The scene in front of us Nearly made me gag, and judging by the faces of many of the other hunters, I wasn't the only one. The entire Opening Was Littered with The slaughtered and dismembered corpses of animals, Beasts, and Piles of dust that were presumably from slain monsters. Standing in the center of it all were 2 Figures wearing hoods, who were currently arguing with each other. I looked over at Artemis, who was staring at the 2 figures with narrowed eyes. I watched as Artemis suddenly jumped up, Aiming her bow and shooting 2 arrows at the individuals. I gasped aloud, watching the 2 arrows fly towards their intended targets before the 2 figures suddenly leaned back a bit, the arrows harmlessly whizzing by before they returned to their original positions. All seemed dead quiet before The left figure spoke aloud, revealing themself to be a male, his voice deep and Cold "Well hello there, Phoebe Artemis, how can We help you?" My eyes widened as my brain raced through tons of different thoughts. The Male's voice sounded very Familiar, but for some annoying reason I couldn't figure it out. The other figure Then spoke out, this one a female, who also Sounded familiar. "You know, it isn't nice to Shoot random strangers who have done nothing to provoke you. You could hurt someone like that you know" I heard Artemis growl next to me as she started walking towards them

Artemis P.O.V.

I walked towards the 2 figures, My eyes narrowing at the male as I looked between the two, realizing they must have been the ones bringing new Girls to the hunt as I started growling "who do you think you are talking to? I am a goddess, boy! Don't you speak to me in that tone!" The 2 figures seemed to look at eachother, before they burst out laughing, as if I had told them a joke. I felt my eyebrow twitch in annoyance as I raised my bow and aimed it at them, drawing an arrow "Answer me!" The Male then walked towards me slowly, stopping right in front of me before raising his hand, And what I saw made my eyes widen. I saw blood, actual blood. It seemed to Bend through the air around His hand before forming into a long polearm, both ends adorned with a sharp blade that Had small Japanese Characters inscribed into the Shaft where it was held. I noticed the Female moving to stand next to Him as she raised her hands, Something sliding out of her sleeves and into her hands before a click was heard. Suddenly, whatever was in her hands seemed to extend and grow, shaping themselves into 2 identical Red Chakrams. I felt a shiver run down my spine as they looked at me with those weapons in their hands. I don't know why, But I felt as if their Eyes alone had the power to Make me fade right there and then. I backed away as a Menacing Aura rose from them, Filling my mind with pure dread. I was frozen stiff, unable to Find the Strength to move from where I stood as the male walked up and placed one end of his Weapon against my throat, And I swear I could see a smirk as he spoke softly "In due time, little goddess. In due time..." The female began laughing, the Male following along as they laughed together, Blood Starting to swirl around them before they vanished completely, leaving Me and the Hunters dumbfounded as to what the Hades just happened. After a moment I shook my head and turned to my hunters "Set up camp, I must Report this to my Father" They all nodded in unison as I turned and flashed to the Throne room, Looking around and noticing it was mostly
Empty save for hestia in the center, tending to the hearth. I walked to my throne, taking a seat in it and shooting an arrow into the sky as it exploded loudly, Sighing as one by one the gods flashed into their thrones. First poseidon, who Was smiling far too much for Having a missing son. Then there was Dionysus, who of course was sitting there reading a wine magazine minding his own business. 2 more flashes Signaled both Aphrodite and Ares, who presumably were Having another affair. I snorted 'Jeez, when will Aphrodite learn?' Hades Flashed into his throne in a swirl of darkness before hera and my father finally came, Sitting in their respective thrones as Father looked at me and spoke in a booming voice "Why have you called this meeting daughter?" I sighed, rubbing my head a bit as I began speaking "Well father, I was with the hunt and we were tracking a group of monsters that had been reported to have caused some trouble, which led us to a clearing in a forest down in Arizona. Finding a spot that I knew of, We were going to set up camp but noticed 2 hooded figures talking to each other. I questioned them, to which they took out Weapons i haven't seen in many millenia's. They told me off for shooting at me after calling me by my full name, then vanished in...they vanished in a Swirl of Blood." I looked at my father, seeing the paranoia in his eyes as he grumbled "Find these 2 People, Artemis, and bring them to Olympus. I want to know who they are and If they are with Olympus." I frowned "but Fath-" he Suddenly glared at me in a way that made me shrink in my seat as he Thundered "BRING THEM HERE NOW, PHOEBE ARTEMIS!" I nodded hurriedly and Vanished in a swirl of Moonlight, growing angry at both my father and these 2 unknown individuals.

-------------------Line Break-----------------------

Percy P.O.V.

I Found myself outside My mom's apartment alongside my Friend, Looking at her and smiling before speaking softly "do you think she'll still recognize me, Zoe?" The figure Lowered her hood to reveal Zoe Nightshade, Back to life and by my side. She looked at me with a soft smile, Nodding as she spoke gently, "Percy, Just because you look completely different doesn't mean She won't recognize you." I looked at Zoe nervously as I sighed and shook my head "yeah, I know, it's's been such a long time.." Zoe sighed and rolled her eyes, reaching up and knocking on the door as a female voice called out "One moment!" I heard shuffling before the door creaked open, Looking up and seeing my mother standing in the doorway as she Looked at us. Her eyes widened in shock before Smiling and pulling me into a hug, which I happily returned. After a moment My mom said "I've missed you, Percy. When I heard you had gone missing I grew very worried something had happened." My face Went somber as I looked down, Making mom frown as I mumbled "actually...Something did happen..." she looked at me worried, as I met her eyes and began trembling, my face falling into her shoulder as I was racked with sobs, Unable to speak as She just rubbed my back, hugging me close and kissed my head, speaking soothingly into my ear "Sh...It's ok sweetie i'm here, it's going to be ok, Percy." I kept sobbing, feeling another pair of arms hug me from behind, realizing Zoe had joined the hug as I kept sobbing, Beginning to choke out "s-she...t-they..." I couldn't continue, reduced to sobs as I eventually felt fatigue Overtake me, My eyes slowly closing as I was dragged into the Realm of Morpheus

Hey everyone! This is my take on my first Percy Jackson story after trying once 2 years ago and failing, then succeeding in making a 10 part series On Called "Percy Jackson: Back from the Abyss" check it out if you want! Anyways This story will be one that features many ideas I've had all put into one big story. See you all next time!

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