Chapter 13

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Clara P.O.V.

I watched as Percy led us out of the border, trudging on as I looked around, walking over and wrapping my small hand around his, feeling him softly wrap his around mine making me smile. He smiled at me as we walked on, before a large creature suddenly landed in front of us, causing me to yell as Percy jumped in front of us, taking out a weird double bladed spear looking weapon, causing me to shy away as Thalia took out a spear as did Clarisse, with Zoe taking out a pair of disk-looking things. I looked between them and got a good look at the creature in front of us. It looked...disfigured. It looked like a combination of 3 different creatures, all of which I could identify: it's head resembled that of a crocodile, while it's front legs were that of a lions. But the weirdest, and the part I would've laughed at were i not completely terrified, was the fact that it's back legs were that of a hippo's. Before I could say anything, it suddenly lunged at us, Percy yelling at us "GET OUT OF THE WAY" I felt Clarisse grab me and run, seeing Thalia and Zoe fly into the air as I turned my head to see Percy standing in front of it. I yelled at him to move but he turned his head to me, smiling before suddenly back flipping over the creature, spinning in mid-air and stabbing one end of it's spear into it's nape, causing it to roar. But before Percy could react, the creatures tail shot up and smacked him, causing him to fly back through the air before crumpling to the ground causing me to tear up. But what happened next amazed me. Percy got up, and only had sand on him, plus a few scratches. He then charged the creature, kicking off the ground before he suddenly kicked off the air, gripping his fist and punching the creature's chest so hard it lost its balance, falling back and causing the spear to be pushed deeper into its body causing it to roar out in pain. It then spun around, lunging at me and clarisse, as time seemed to slow down around me. I could only watch as it got closer to me, putting my arms up before I heard the sound of metal hitting metal, opening my eyes to see percy there, using his spear and smacking the creatures head away as my eyes widened

Percy P.O.V.

I narrowed my eyes at the large creature, looking back at Clara and seeing the fear-struck expression on her face. I turned my attention back to the Misshapen monster, jamming my spear further down it's throat before letting go of it, raising my leg and slamming my foot onto the handle of it, causing the other end to jut upwards, lodging deeper into the monster as I watched it slowly dissolve into the sand. I slowly picked my spear up, spinning it as it vanished, turning towards the girls before I was suddenly tackled to the floor by Clara, who cried into my chest. I sighed, gently rubbing her head and smiling  "'s ok, You're safe now. I won't let anything hurt you."  She looked at me, sniffling and nodding as I picked her up, holding her close to me before looking around, noticing buildings in the far distance, slowly pointing to them "There. We can go there, see if anyone knows or has heard of me." Zoe, Clarisse and Thalia nodded numbly at what I just did, following me towards the group of buildings. Once we got close Enough, I nodded at Zoe, pulling everyone close as Zoe rotated her Chakrams, causing us to vanish in a column of blood, popping up right at the outskirts of the town as I was going to call it. 

Annabeth P.O.V.

The gods had called a meeting, and currently me, Jason, and everyone from both camps were in the throne room, waiting for Zeus to start. Jason was holding my hand, as we all looked at the gods waiting to see what was going on. After the last of the gods flashed in, Zeus looked around before speaking "before we Announce the decision the gods have decided on, I must ask if any of the demi-gods have any information pertaining to where the traitor and his friends may have gone?" I shook my head as Zeus looked around, seeing no one speak up as he nodded grimly before Rachel suddenly began releasing smoke, speaking in a ghostly voice
"Running through time against all odds
The Hybrid will Decide the Fate of the Gods
Through Guilt and Redemption it shall Prevail
Peace or Destruction the Hybrid must Sail"
Rachel then collapsed, a few demi-gods catching her as I turned to My mother, speaking firmly "That sounded like a prophecy." She nodded as Zeus grumbled, looking at my mother "Well, Athena? Any idea what it could mean?" My mother seemed to be stuck in thought, her eyebrows scrunching together as she replied "well, let's break it down. Remember, prophecies can have double meanings. 'Running through time against all odds' sounds like it is referring to someone going against fate, either running away from it, or facing it head on." Everyone seemed to Nod as I piped up "But the second line refers to someone called 'The Hybrid', and stating that it will decide it's path of choosing destruction or peace. But of what? Who is the Hybrid?" Everyone looked at each other as mom frowned. Zeus then stood up and raised his hands "For now, we shall send you back to your camps. Demi-gods, I trust you will do your part in trying to figure out the identity of this Hybrid the Prophecy speaks of. Us gods will also try to figure it out. Now go, we will have another meeting once we have more information!" 

Zoe P.O.V.

As we stood in front of the town, Percy started forwards as I calmly watched him. Looking at Clara and Clarisse, I nodded at them as we followed him, letting him lead us to a large building near the other edge of the area. Stopping in front of it, Percy suddenly called out "ANYONE HERE? Sadie! Carter!" I heard a door open, before hearing a female voice call out "Percy?" I turned towards the voice, seeing a blonde haired girl wearing a dark greenish-black jacket, with a light blue shirt under it. Percy smiled and stood there, as he spoke softly "Hello, Sadie." The girl, Sadie, seemed to be frozen in place seeing Percy as she let out a breath and spoke softly "Percy…" Percy just smiled, my eyes shifting between him and Sadie before he shrugged, standing there with a slight smile "I'm not one for hugs." I raised an eyebrow before he suddenly went towards Sadie, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her up as she exclaimed "Wait, Percy, no!" But he pulled her into a hug, spinning her around as he laughed. Seeing this made me feel something inside, but I couldn't identify what it was. "I missed you, Sadie Kane." Sadie Smiled as she hugged back, after which they parted. Then a male, who I assumed was Carter, Came out of the building, smiling at Percy as they also pulled each other into a hug before Carter piping up "So why are you here, Percy? And who's the girl? Where's Annabeth?" 

Sadie P.O.V.

I looked at Percy, noticing that the mention of Annabeth caused his eyes to go dark, all mirth and happiness vanishing from his pupils. After a moment he spoke softly "These are my friends, Zoe Nightshade, Clarisse La Rue, and the young one is Clara. Then the Black haired weirdo is My cousin Thalia Grace." He got a slight shock for that one and some giggles from Zoe. He ignored them and continued "I'm here because...we needed to get away from the gods. Annabeth, for reasons I still can't understand, turned everyone except for these 3," He pointed at the 3 tall females, "Against me into thinking I was a traitor. Then this little cutie.." He crouched down, picking Up the small young girl and putting her on his shoulders, smiling "Is a young girl named Clara that we rescued from her not-so-nice parents" I nodded and smiled at all of them, speaking softly "Nice to meet you all. How about we go inside? Classes just ended so the rooms are free." They all nodded as I smiled and beckoned them over, leading them into the building I had come from as I walked them to the table in the middle, where they promptly sat around it. After everyone was seated, I looked at Percy pointedly as he raised an eyebrow. After a moment I spoke firmly "Tell me everything that happened. Now."

Hey guys^^ sorry if this seems short but I don't want to rush the story and end up having to cram all my ideas in without fully fleshing them out. Hope you all understand ^^

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