Chapter 3

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Thalia P.O.V.

As we soared through the sky, I gently held onto Blackjack as the city in New York came into view. Looking around at all the buildings, I finally spotted Sally's apartment, Having Blackjack land on the ground next to it as I slid off of him, taking out some sugar cubes and feeding them to him "Now go Fly Blackjack, so I don't get question for falling out of the sky with a horse." He neighed and turned, galloping into the air and vanishing from sight as I sighed. Turning towards the door, I slowly raised my hand lightly tapping it against the wooden Frame a few times before I heard shuffling. After a few moments The door Cracked open to reveal Sally, Looking at me as she smiled a little "Hey Thalia. How are you?" I smiled back, rubbing my head a bit before speaking softly "Hey Sally, and I'm ok, Just wanted to come talk to you about Percy" her eyes flashed with sadness as she Let me in, taking me to the Kitchen and sitting me down as she sat across from where I then sat. After a moment I began in a soft tone "They...are Still Trying to hunt him down, The gods...They want to as they put it, 'Bring him in for questioning'." I slowly Looked up at Sally to see her staring at the table, her lips curled as she nodded slowly before speaking "So the gods all agree with this?" I shook my head and sighed "The Only god who doesn't Approve of it is Hestia, but no one has ever listened to Her despite her being the Oldest one in the room." She seemed to Grow sadder hearing that Poseidon, Percy's own flesh and blood, approved of this. She then responded quietly "I have not seen Him. I presume he isn't coming here while on the run because he doesn't want to risk attracting monsters or Allowing the gods to use me as an incentive to Get Percy to come out of hiding." I cursed to myself and nodded before sighing and standing up "Well Sally, I have to go before Artemis Gets upset with me. It was nice talking with you." She nodded and smiled a bit as I turned and left the apartment, closing the door behind me as I made my way back towards The Hunter's camp. Apparently we were Going to the Camp in a few days, and I had a few people I needed to talk to.

Sally P.O.V.

After Thalia left I turned and walked back to Zoe and Percy, sitting on the edge of the bed as I placed a hand on Percy's, Noticing he was now Sleeping. His face was peaceful, As if Everything that occurred never really happened. I suddenly heard Zoe murmuring "It truly is a wonder..How he could sleep with such a peaceful face despite everything being against him, after everything he's been through.." I looked at Zoe with a questioning and worried look, which she noticed, elaborating on her statement "I'm sure you noticed the broken, Lifeless appearance of his eyes." I nodded slowly as she gently brushed a hand through his messy hair "....The place We found each other at...After everything done to him by the gods and demi-gods, apparently the fates weren't done messing with him. He…" I looked at her, as Zoe seemed to have the words stuck in her throat, before beginning quietly "He willingly fell down to the Pit...Hoping the fall would kill him…but instead, something took him, and dragged him into a completely different hell. A hell millions of times worse than The one Hades rules..then..whatever it was that dragged him into there, Showed him something that Broke him, completely changed who he was, how he viewed things.." A tear rolled down her cheek as I pulled her into a hug

Zoe P.O.V. 

I felt Sally pull me into a hug as My face rested on her shoulder, Letting out a shaky breath as I shut my eyes, tears falling down my face as I shakily uttered out "The Percy you see nothing like the one you remember.." I heard mumbling as I shot up, Turning my head along with Sally as we heard Percy Speaking in his sleep "What I did...I did without choice…" A tear fell down his cheek as he finished softly "I am afraid…" I placed my hands on his face gently as my hands shook in sorrow, muttering "Percy….please...snap out of it…" I watched as his eyes Stirred, Laying my head on his chest as I whispered "Please, Percy…" I sobbed, putting my head on his shoulder "Oh gods, please…."

Percy P.O.V.

I found myself in a void, Looking around with a raised eyebrow before it all hit me. Every memory from all of those Times, hitting me at once as I felt my mental state start to crumble like dust. I felt Like I was suffocating, yet I couldn't even move. It was as if Being given my memories had Put my brain into such a shocked state that I wasn't able to move. I felt my head, my mind, Burning as I gripped my head, trying to scream. But I couldn't even scream. But all of the sudden I heard a faint voice calling my name, One that sounded familiar. I realized it was Zoe, begging me to wake up. But for some reason I couldn't. I struggled to wake, only to find myself being dragged further into the darkness, my screams unable to be heard as I was swallowed whole. Then all I could see was more carnage and Pain caused by me. I heard my brain burn in pain at the memories. I felt myself releasing a shrill scream of pain before everything went white and I gasped, Sucking in air as I opened my eyes, Hyperventilating as I heard Zoe Saying my name again. I turned my head to look at Her, tears streaming down her face as I frowned and slowly reached out, wiping them away "'s ok...I'm not going anywhere.." She wrapped her arms around me as I grunted before gently hugging back, murmuring softly "Sorry about that….Was just trying to fully come to terms with what i've seen…" I blinked the haze out of my eyes as I grumbled and slowly put my hood back over my face, standing there for a moment before a knock was heard at the door. My mum murmured "I'll get it.." She walked out of the room as We heard the door open, then heard a voice that sent chills down my spine, my face Going dark as I looked at Zoe, who's expression mirrored mine. That voice Belonged to Her. I shakily got up, Ignoring the protests of Zoe as I turned and stood there, glaring at the person who ruined my life. Annabeth Chase was standing in the Doorway, and she was holding a knife.

Percy Jackson: Blade DancerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon