Chapter 10

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Hey guys! I wanted to address a comment I got on the last chapter, asking about the shipping. The main ship is PercyxZoe, so those hoping for a harem, sorry to crush your dreams. Why? Mainly because I rarely find a good, interesting Perzoe fanfiction with a good story. Most of the ones I've found are either abandoned, really short, or rushed. I have found a few, but that's it. And i'm talking about ones that AREN'T the typical chaos story. The reason I chose for the ones on his side to all be females is because they all just happened to be. Zoe, because he is the one man she views as 'Good'. Thalia because obviously they are cousins. But for Clarisse, my reasoning is very simple. I rarely find Betrayal Percy stories That have Clarisse siding with Percy. Anyways, Onto the chapter.

Clarisse P.O.V.

In a swirl of darkness, we stumbled forwards, Thalia falling to the floor and puking as I placed my hand on the nearby tree to steady myself. I looked over to see Zoe, before she was blasted by lightning that she just barely deflected with her chakram, hearing Thalia yelling "WE LEFT KELP HEAD BEHIND!!! HOW COULD YOU!?" I turned to see Thalia, her body surrounded by electricity as Zoe spoke calmly "if you had been paying attention, you would know that due to the circumstances, plus Zeus and the bitch making things more difficult, we had to leave, Thalia. Apollo will protect Percy, I am sure of it. If we had taken him with us, how would he recover? He was about to die. Apollo sided with Percy all those years ago, so once he has recovered he will immediately send Percy to us." Thalia froze, her face going blank as she sighed and lowered her head, the lightning slowly fading as I looked around "Moving on, Where are we to go? Knowing Drama Queen, he's going to send demi-gods, as well as the Hunters of Artemis, After us." Thalia and Zoe both scowled as I sighed and shook my head. Thalia stood up, noticing a nearby puddle as she tossed a drachma into it, sending a small prayer to Iris, goddess of Rainbows "Oh Iris, please accept my offering and show me Sally Jackson" The air shimmered in front of her before revealing a brown haired woman sitting next to a man that was smiling and hugging her close. Thalia spoke quietly to the message "Sally?" The woman looked at us noticing thalia as she smiled "Hello there Thalia. Is there something you need?" Her face morphed into one of dread causing Sally's face to grow worried. "Thalia, What happened? And where's Percy?" She shook her head "I need to know if it's ok for the 3 of us to go to your house. A lot of things have happened and While Iris sided with Percy, I don't know how long it will be until the gods discover that she has been helping him." Her face scrunched into a frown, nodding and sighing "Yeah. I'll be waiting for you 3 then. You better introduce me to your 2 friends there." Thalia nodded and swiped through the message, cutting it off and looking at The 2 behind me, nodding "alright, let's go"

Thalia P.O.V.

After having Zoe transport us to Manhattan again, I quietly led them to the apartment that Percy used to live in. Quietly opening the door, I spoke aloud "Sally? Are you here?" After a moment I heard shuffling as well as a familiar female voice calling out "Coming!" The door suddenly swung open, as I looked up at sea Sally, who smiled "hello Thalia. Glad you could make it. All of you, come in so we can talk." I nodded and led them inside where I went to the living room, beginning to speak softly "Percy...will be ok. But after a situation in the throne room, Percy's lung was pierced and burned by Zeus' Master Bolt. He will be ok, Apollo is looking after him. But me and the 2 behind me had to run because...because that bitch tried to rally the demi-gods to go after us." Sally frowned and looked at me as I sighed and shook my head "First, I wanna introduce you to Zoe Nightshade and Clarisse La Rue. The only 2 demi-gods besides myself who weren't tricked by Annabeth's bullshit." She slowly nodded, looking at The aforementioned girls, smiling at them. "It's nice to meet you both." They both nodded with a small smile as I motioned for them to sit "it's ok to sit down and relax. As long as Apollo, Hestia and Hades have our backs, they won't come here." I sighed and turned back to Sally as I continued "Percy vanished after the Entire camp and the gods were tricked into thinking he was a traitor this whole time, by annabeth. Her 'proof' was so obviously fake it's a wonder that anyone believed it." Sally frowned "but surely Athena would have been able to figure out it was fake, right?" Zoe snorted, crossing her arms and leaning back. "When she seems to hate Percy? She simply used the situation to get rid of him. Apollo couldn't say anything because the Situation escalated too quickly for him to jump in. Zoe here had to use her powers to get the 3 of us out of there before it got even worse." Sally bit her lip, looking down and processing everything I just told her before murmuring softly, worried evident in her voice "Will Percy be ok?" I nodded slowly "Apollo will fix his lung and then He will send him to us. We have to go into hiding, and we aren't staying here, I won't put you 2 at risk. I know she won't harm you, Sally, but she won't hesitate to do something to Paul." I heard Paul sigh, causing me to look down "I just wanted to come here to let you know what is going on, and that Percy will be ok. Me, Clarisse, and Zoe are on the run for the time being, But we plan to find somewhere to camp until Apollo can return Percy to us." She nodded as tears formed in her eyes, beginning to shake as she whispered "And Posiedon just let this happen..?" I lowered my head, murmuring softly "He said nothing. He seemed almost bored, as if the meeting and the situation were not even worth his attention despite it involving his own son." She bit her lip and put her head on Paul's shoulder, beginning to cry as he rubbed her back. He then looked at us, speaking quietly "We will be fine. Poseidon wouldn't let them harm Sally, Artemis wouldn't risk his wrath. But you should go, Just in case we are wrong about that assumption." We all nodded and got up to leave as I turned my head, speaking one last thing before exiting "I promise We will get Percy back once he's Recovered." With that I closed the door behind us and looked at Clarisse and Zoe.

Zoe P.O.V.

Thalia looked at both me and Clarisse, meeting our eyes as I nodded to her and sighed. Looking around, I tilted my head frowning "But then where do we go now?" They both seemed in thought as I motioned my hand forwards "Come on. We need to move. We can figure it out on the way." They both nodded and got close as I used my Chakrams to Transport us to California, landing on the ground as I looked around, realizing we had landed in a forest. Turning towards them, I smiled "This will do. We can set up a small camp here while we wait for Percy." They nodded as I took out a small black cube, pressing a button on it and tossing it in front of us as it hit the ground, beginning to expand into a small wooden cabin. I looked at Thalia who frowned, making me chuckle. "Traveling the world allows you to find and get pretty interesting things." I noticed Thalia raising an eyebrow, but Clarisse shrugged "Works for me. You sure we can keep ourselves hidden? Even after Percy is back with us, we are still on the run" I nodded and closed my eyes relaxing "If I remember correctly, Percy was planning to go somewhere after Revealing himself to the gods, but obviously he didn't expect things to get this bad" Thalia hummed and spoke softly "well, where else could he go when he's hunted by both Romans and Greeks?" I looked at her, meeting her gaze as I tried to think. Maybe out of western Civilization? But they would still be able to send demi-gods after us. Sighing, I rubbed my temples, my mind racing through ideas of what to do next. Before I could come up with a solution, I heard females yelling, cursing to myself as I grabbed thalia and Clarisse, pulling them into the nearby bushes, clamping a hand over their mouths as I sat perfectly still. I recognized Phoebe's voice as she turned and hollered "My lady, There's a campsite here!" Not even a minute later, the Goddess of the hunt was next to Phoebe, her eyes narrowing as she looked around. Her gaze seemed to stop at the group of bushes we were in, just staring at us before she turned "They're long gone. Let's keep moving!" She led the hunters away as I bit my lip, waiting until they were far away before relaxing "Too close..." I slid down onto my ass, lowering my head as I released a breath I didn't know I was holding "Way too close..." I quickly got up and started packing our stuff up "We need to move closer to Alaska. We'll set up just in front of the border without crossing it. Then, if we are found we can just run into Alaska, then come back when it's safe." Thalia nodded slowly, Clarisse nodding more firmly as I smiled "plus, it means once we have Percy back we can immediately move. All he told me about where he wanted to go was that it was outside of America" I nodded my head as I took their hands, Spinning my Chakram as we vanished in a swirl of blood

Jason P.O.V.

"Do you think Percy will try to destroy us?" I turned my head to look at Annabeth, who had her hand wrapped around the mark that traitor had put on her arm. She winced in pain, whimpering as I wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close, kissing her head softly as I rubbed her back "....I don't know, Annie. Even if he did, It's him and that girl against an army of demi-gods, with me leading them. They wouldn't stand a chance." She smiled and nodded, tilting her head to look up at me as I leaned in and kissed her, her body relaxing as she returned it with equal affection. We separated, Annabeth lowering her head as she bit her lip. I frowned, gently taking her chin and lifting her head as our eyes met. After a moment I asked her in a soft tone "Something is troubling you. What is it?" She looked at me, sighing and leaning her head on my shoulder as she closed her eyes, murmuring quietly "Just...didn't you see his eyes..?" I raised an eyebrow, which she must have noticed because she sighed and elaborated "His eyes. Before, they were sea green, bright. They were so full of mirth and happiness. But that I revealed his true self, his eyes.." She looked at me, her eyes scrunched in worry as she continued "Percy's eyes were black, just like Zoe's. Black, Onyx eyes. except....unlike Zoe, his eyes were darker. They looked dead. Like they still moved and saw things, but whoever was behind those eyes had died long ago." Jason looked at me, his mouth curling as he seemed to be in thought before realizing what she was saying, speaking slowly "Annabeth...what are you suggesting?"
She looked me in the eyes and spoke calmly, "I think that Percy might be possessed. Not only is it impossible for him to be as strong as he showed himself to be in the throne room, but when he stared me in the eyes, I saw something weird. I saw an unnatural amount of anger and hatred, but I also saw pain, pain and regret. Pain beyond anything Percy could feel." I nodded and sighed, leaning my head back and staring up at the sky as I felt Annabeth kiss my cheek "let's go to your cabin, alright?" She nodded as I smiled, taking her hand as we went to the Zeus Cabin.

There we go! I am so happy you all are enjoying this story so far ^^ like I said updates will be far less often and won't be daily anymore but that's because I don't wanna completley burn myself out and lose interest in the story out of stress. I hope you all understand! ^^

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