Chapter 18

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Percy P.O.V.

I landed in a dark hallway, looking around as I cursed to myself for being careless. When I get out of here, I'd be sure to send Jason and Annabeth a one-way ticket to Tartarus. I began searching around, eventually coming to the realization I was in some sort of medieval castle. But when I noticed a small window opening and peered out of it, I was shocked to find that wherever the Hades I was, I was surrounded by water. As I was staring out at the water, I heard something to my right, causing my attention to snap to that direction. What I saw sent shivers down my spine; standing there, very slowly coming towards me, was a black decaying creature that was making a sound that sounded like wheezing. It's arms were stretched out in front of it, stretched out towards me as I felt the urge to run. Something in the back of my mind told me that Reasoning with this thing was out of the question. Spinning on my heel, I bolted forwards, running around the corner as I kept going, finding myself in what looked like a living room. I scanned my surroundings, looking back to see that the creature was gone. I frowned, before Noises sounded behind me. I whirled around only to come face to face with the creature, being frozen in shock. I was helpless to do anything as it reached out, placing it's cold, ashy hands around my head as I gasped. It felt like it was sucking the life out of my body! I struggled to escape it's grasp before I wheezed shrilly, the air in my lungs being sucked out before I started coughing, finding myself inside what appeared to be some sort of lab in a different part of whatever castle-like structure I was in. I cursed, exiting the room and hearing the creature to the left of me "What is with this thing?" It just continued to come after me as I ran, and I ran as fast as I could.

Zoe P.O.V.

We all stood there shocked at what just happened, the room deadly silent. The silence was finally broken as I felt tears form in my eyes, falling to my knees as I slammed my fist against the floor, beginning to cry. I just sat there and watched the man I love get captured, yet did nothing to try and stop it. I could do nothing but cry, cry over percy, over my own weakness. I felt a pair of hands press against my cheeks, but I couldn't bring myself to raise my head. After a moment I looked up, seeing Clarisse and Thalia standing there, their faces stoic and determined. After a moment I wiped my tears, sniffling and trying to fix myself up while Clarisse began speaking "We should go to Olympus. That's probably where they are taking that strange object Jason used." They all nodded, packing up and preparing to leave as I turned to Carter and Sadie, bowing a little "Sorry for the inconvenience. You should probably lay low, so the gods don't send anyone after you." They could only nod as I pulled Clara, Clarisse and Thalia close to me, using my Chakrams to vanish in a swirl of blood.

Annabeth P.O.V.

We came up to New york city, flying straight up to Olympus as we stopped at the throne room doors, and I took that chance to Look at Jason, who met my eyes. After a mental agreement, we entered the Throne room, seeing the gods, all 14 of them, already there. They went silent at the sight of us, and I gulped, slowly going to the center of the throne room, holding up the dial "W-we have captured Percy Jackson in the Dial." Zeus nodded and held his hand out towards me as I walked over, placing the dial in his hand, watching as He looked at it before placing it on the ground, an iris message appearing as it seemed to be showing what Percy was doing in the Dial. What surprised everyone, is the fact he was still running. My mind raced with questions; Why did the Traitor keep running? Didn't he know it was futile? After a moment Noises could be heard as We watched percy get grabbed by some hooded figure, his body going rigged before he suddenly appeared in a living room, panting. We watched as he saw the creature coming towards him, yelling out "I know what you want, but I won't tell you!" He then grabbed a chair, using it to smash a window as he dove through it, diving into the water below before he turned and suddenly, the creature was there. We all watched as it grabbed him, causing his body to twitch before he was suddenly coughing while in the living room. We were all shocked to hear him declare aloud "No one must know about the hybrid, especially not the gods! I will not allow a war to start over it!"
I heard someone snort, turning to See my mother Athena shaking her head in disbelief "Really? A war? Is he insane?" I just shook my head, murmuring "No idea..." No one else spoke as we continued to watch as he died over and over again. But out of the corner of my eye I saw that some of the gods stared at it in sadness, rather than in expectation for Percy to confess. I raised an eyebrow at this but decided to ignore it, opting to focus on Percy as I looked just in time to see him find a large black wall. Before we knew it, he had began to speak aloud

Percy P.O.V.

I found myself standing in front of a large black wall that I recognized was made out of a black Crystal. I tapped my finger against my leg as I looked at it, my eyes widening as I watched the word "Confess" slowly etch itself into the solid crystal. My eyes hardened as I grit my teeth, Growling and speaking through gritted teeth "is this their sick and twisted Idea of a game?" I then slammed my fist against the black crystal, reeling back in pain and gasping as I held my hand. Biting my lip, I punched it again, and again, and again. each punch causing me to cry out in pain before I suddenly felt those ashy hands grab onto me as I wheezed, finding myself back in the starting room, making my way back to the black crystal wall as I started to punch it, each punch resulting in a hiss or cry of pain. The cycle continued, with me punching the wall, very, very, very slowly chipping away at it while constantly being caught by whatever creature was after me. I had made a semi-significant progress as I panted and began Speaking aloud "It's this mountain of pure diamond; It takes an hour to climb it, and an hour to go around it!" I then gasped, once again being grabbed by the creature before continuing to Punch through the crystal wall, slowly chipping away at it as I spoke "Every Hundred years, a Little bird comes. It sharpens its beak-" I was interrupted by the creature grabbing me as I wheezed, falling to my knees while back in the main room. I seemed to be in a loop, punching more of crystal away, making a path very very slowly but surely as I continued "On the diamond mountain-" I was once again grabbed, before continued to punc at it "and when the entire mountain is chiseled away-" I gasped, before finding myself back in the room, going to the crystal and punching it more "The first second of eternity-" I was grabbed, wheezing and panting as I ran back, punching harder and faster as I spoke aloud "Will have passed!" I was once again grabbed, appearing back in the living room as I fell to my knees in the sand. My body had blood everywhere, my hands were broken, and I felt like I was slowly going insane. I could do nothing but start croaking out "How long can I keep doing this? Tearing the old me away to make a new one." I could do nothing but keep punching at the wall, having made great progress as I declared "you may think that's a hell of a long time;" I was caught again, running back to the wall as I kept punching it, Hearing the creature behind me as I screamed and slammed my fist into the wall, shutting my eyes. When I realized I wasn't moving, I slowly opened them to see the wall of crystal in front of me cracking, starting at it in shock as It slowly shattered, crumbling to the floor as light blasted in, causing the creature behind me to fade and turn into a pile of Dust, sighing as I spoke "Personally, I think that's a hell of a bird." I then turned and looked at the light, swallowing and leaping into it.

Jason P.O.V.

We all watched in awe as he punched his way through the crystal, saying something and jumping through the light before the message slowly flicked and vanished. My father was shaking in fury, and before anyone could speak, The elevator dinged. Our collective attention snapped to it to see Clarrisse, Thalia, the young girl, and Zoe standing there as they walked in, Zoe holding her disk-looking things, and Zoe looked pissed. Before I could react, My father had thrown his master bolt at Zoe, who did something that shocked us all. Her eyes were glowing red, filled with bloodlust as she took her chakrams and held them together, using them as a bat to smack the bolt right back at My father, watching as it slammed into him and caused him to go toppling back, destroying his seat of power from the force of it. But our attention wasn't on him. Our attention was on the increasingly huge power coming from the Traitor. Everyone could only stare in shock as Percy Jackson stood there, having finally returned. That's when I realized, that for once, we may not be able to get out of this.

Hey guys! Just wanted to say that The next chapter will be the last one, and then I will probably have a 21st chapter, that's basically just an epilogue. Hope you all have enjoyed the story so far, and look forward to the finale! ^^

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